EXHIBITION ‘’Nature Gives Life”

‘’Nature Gives Life”

Giorgia Vitale Painting

15 – 20 September 2023
Opening September 17th 7.00 p.m.
Ioniοn Center of Arts & Culture, Metaxata, Kefalonia
Artists :Evangelia Papanastasatou, Giorgia Vitale, Sofia Zerva, Maria Yfantidou, Marina Stathi, Miss Vrouvaki, Olivia Afionis, Poly Vartziotis, Franzesco Adamopoulos-Terzani, Yana Chebotova, Evi Fotopoulos.
The Exhibition is part of the International Festival ‘’ WE ARE NATURE’’

Conducted in honor to the 2023 memory events for the Massacre of the Division Acqui, supported by the Mediterraneo Association and the Italian Embassy.

Curatorial Supervision Dr. Marina Gonda

“Art is a reflection of Nature and Human is added to it.
Honoree de Balzac said: “Art is concentrated nature”
A society consists of heterogeneous human beings, who obey certain rules in the context of aesthetic pleasure in the presence of beauty.
Nature provides rules that ensure beauty and life.
Its value is experiential for the physical, mental and spiritual health of man.
Trees and flowers have a soul, they feel, they respond, they express themselves with sounds and fragrances.
Forests offer shelter to the animal kingdom, recycle water, oxygen, clean the air, stabilize the temperature.
The sea opens up horizons, facilitates communication, provides abundant food and economic prosperity.
The destruction of the planet Earth by wars, fires level and blacken the flora and make many animal beings disappear.
Toxic waste pollutes aquifers and subsequently the seas.
Factory chimneys and carbon dioxide create respiratory and heart diseases.
The bomb-damaged area, the scorched earth, is completely dead.
It takes time and human intervention to become sustainable, usable, friendly.
Nature is a bridge of heaven and earth; it is a magical city of another Galaxy.
The Druids knew this well 2500 years ago, this sacred caste of the Celts and the forests were an attraction and the beginning of their Mysticism. Their religion was a model of philosophy of the symbolic image of the world, a symbol of cyclical time and the recycling of life.
Let’s teach with the Art respect and love to the pillar of oxygen, which gives us life.
May the Visual phenomenon be an exhortation to stop wars, disasters and fires, because if we continue at this rate over time the most precious element…life , will disappear.
An olive branch, the sacred symbol of peace”.

Dr. Marina Gonda, Philologist-Art Historian, Sorbonne PhD.
