Category Archives: Announcements




Design credits : Professor Nada Abdallah

‘’Today, works of art and the creative activities representing them are excellent tools for municipalities and art-carrying cities, aiming to establish themselves on the international map of Cities of Art. The subject ‘’art and public space’’ remains extremely relevant, whether in the form of urban art creations or landscape interventions, creation of spaces for social activity or the corresponding conversion of sites. The process of utilizing art in space concerns not only art experts, but constitutes a positive social experience for the inhabitants of the modern cities”. Dr. Haytham Nawar ( .
‘’Perhaps at no other time in the human’s history has connecting with our environment been more important. Our species is just starting to become aware of the impact of its actions on the planet. Our species survival may be dependent on our future actions’’. Dr.Pierre Liechner (
The 2005 UNESCO Convention, a comprehensive compendium of past declarations and conventions, remains a landmark in international cultural policy as, based on human rights and fundamental freedoms, it provides a theoretical and legislative framework for participatory systems of culture-driven governance. Through the Convention, the inseparability of culture and development was officially recognized, so as to define the focus of the creative economy. In its context, it was formed by defining the implementation of policies and measures that support the protection, creation and access to cultural goods and services” from an article of the Ionion Center for Arts & Culture (

Image credits: Dr. Pierre Leichner

A. “We are Nature” Festival

The main goal of a multi-media environmental art festival is to strengthen the relationship of Kefalonia residents with their environment. At the same time, the festival through the activities will provide us with information on what we can do to improve our environment at a local level, while we will have the opportunity as a society to participate ourselves in the creation of art or to enjoy art events.
Another goal is to establish a bridge between the arts and the sciences. During the events, the opportunity is provided for presentations related to the environment by local agencies, experts and scientists. It is also the opportunity for local and international artists to share their works, thus enabling the possibility to make Kefalonia an international destination of ecology and art.
‘2. Cooperating Entities
Geopark, OΦΥΠΕΚΑ (and organizations proposed by the Geopark)
Municipality of Argostoli
Municipality of Palliki
Ionion Center for the Arts & Culture
Rifortso Cultural Association
Community and Voluntary Association of Farsa

Environmental art can take many forms:
It often takes the form of installations created with natural materials and projects designed to be non-destructive or ecologically beneficial, site-specifically applied.

Image credit: Ioulia Kagadis

The festival includes:
Sound arts or lighting arts, environmental poetry, visual interventions, such as ephemeral or permanent sculpture installations, painting exhibitions, environmental poster exhibitions, etc.
The Environmental Art Festival will provide live art experiences in the everyday life of the island and through the projects and events will advocate for a healthy and sustainable environment.
There are examples of environmental festivals and parks dedicated to environmental arts. The present proposal, which was initiated by Dr. Pierre Liechner, in the case of Kefalonia it will be unique because: It will bring the local scientific and artistic community in contact with the international field of arts and environmental protection through a variety of events, which will highlight the island and its environmental wealth.

August 1st –September 30th 2023

August 2 -9, 2023 Jillian Cremens “PLASTIC REFRACTIONS OF THE IONIAN SEA” installation exhibition at the Ionian Center for Arts & Culture.

August 6, 2023, Craig Dongoski, Kostas Frantzis, Emily Williams “Children of the Algorithm”

August 10, 2023, Professor Craig Dongoski, Exhibition

August 12, 2023, Dr. Pierre Liechner, EARTH WORMS Laboratory

19 -20-21 August 2023 lighting of buildings in Lixouri, Farsa, Argostoli, Nick Azidis & Rose Staff.
August 22-23, 2023 Blueprint Workshop led by Ioustini Drakoulakou.
August 23, 2023, Dr. Pierre Liechner ”Every Venus Tells a Story” Exhibition of figurines at the Korgialenio Library.
August 24-25, 2023, Dr.Pierre Liechner, “Root sculptures” installations in the Park of Koutavos.

August 28 to September 6, 2023 ”Every Venus Tells a Story” Figurine Exhibition at Kefalonia Geopark (, .html).
August 29, 2023. Ephemeral eco-art installations by the local community in Koutavos Park. (,, http: //

● Visual exhibitions (on the subject of the environment)

a. Jillian Cremens, PLASTIC REFRACTIONS OF THE IONIAN SEA” installation exhibition
b. Dr. Pierre Liechner, Exhibitions and workshops
c. Tsu Wang, Exhibition
d. Dr. Yana Chebotova, Project exhibition and workshops.

● Sound & Multimedia Arts

a. Georgia State University, USA, Professor Craig Dongoski

b. Melbourne University, Australia, Dr. Anthony Lyons,

c. Hunderfield University, U.K. Dr. John Bonner,

d. Concordia University, Canada, Dr. Kurtis Lessing.

e. Being Sound Technology (Mary Keena Frisbee, Gueorgui Borov, Giulia Gallina, Hugo Santos, Iana Misuina , Matt Lindsay , Lua Brice , Fateme Banishoeib).

● Lighting Arts (Nick Azidis – Rose Staff)

August 19, 2023 lighting of buildings in Lixouri
August 20, 2023 lighting of a building in Farsa
August 21, 2023 lighting of a building in Argostoli

● Video : Pam Longobardi, film presentation: “Kefalonia Plastic Free Island”
Susan Knippenberg, presentation of the video “Antisamos”

● Workshops and art exhibitions that will address the local community or give an opportunity to local artists and the local public to participate by creating and exhibiting the works
August 23, 2023, Dr.Pierre Liechner( ”Every Venus Tells a Story” Exhibition of figurines at the Korgialenio Library.
August 28 to September 6, 2023 ”Every Venus Tells a Story” the Figurine Exhibition will be installed in the Kefalonia Geopark (, everyvenus/everyvenus.html

● Bioart workshop, exhibition and demonstrations for the public by Dr. Pierre Liechner, in Argostoli (Koutavos) and Lixouri. Presenting a series of art paintings created with earthworms.

● August 22-23, 2023, Cyanotypes Workshop, to be organized and supervised by Ioustini Drakoulakou, offered to the local community by Ioustini Drakoulakou & Ionion Center for the Arts & Culture.

● August 24-25, 2023, Dr.Pierre Liechner, “Root sculptures” installations in the Koutavos Park.

Roots sculptures will be installed in Koutavos with a parallel presentation to the public of the value of the environment. The dried roots can later be preserved and become part of another indoor art installation in another space.

● August 29, 2023. Ephemeral ecological art installations with natural materials. They will be created by the local community along the trails in Koutavos Park. (,, http://

In collaboration with scientists and artists, an international meeting on the environment and its protection (topics to be discussed /decided in collaboration with the Geopark, etc. agencies. TBC the possibility of including the earthquakes of 1953 in the topics). The Ionion Center offers its premises free of charge for the conference/meeting).

International promotion and recognition of Kefalonia as a destination for arts, environmental awakening and protection.
Announcement of the continuation of the festival for 2024 with a greater range of activities and scope.
Participation of the local community and especially families and young people in events that promote a better tomorrow.
Awareness of all social structures, private and public, regarding the environment and its protection.
Economic advantages for the local community
Attracting an international audience, scientists, artists, activists and communicating their knowledge and work.
Long-term advantages that will be obtained by the Municipalities and the Geopark.
Offer of 2 awards, one to a local and one to an international artist.

Sets of sculptured roots by Dr. Pierre Liechner will be installed in the gardens, with a parallel presentation to the public of the value of the environment. The dried roots could later be preserved and become part of another indoor art installation in another space later.

Image credits: Dr. Pierre Liechner
● Ephemeral installations of works with natural materials, which during the festival, the community will be invited to create along the paths of the park- Koutavos

● Creation of a catalog in edited form including the entire Festival, available by the end of the activities.

Metaxata 28100, Kefalonia, Greece,
All rights reserved Ν. 2121/1993 , N. 3057/2002 (άρθρο 81) Ν.3207/2003 (άρθρο 10 παρ. 33)


Helios the Elemental,Photography master class Led by Enrique Verdugo

Helios the Elemental

Photography master class,Led by Enrique Verdugo


Fundaments of analogue photography • Introduction to the analogue camera • Exposure and taking light readings • Shutter speed settings and movement • Apertures (f-stops) and depth of field • Creative approaches to photographing different subjects • Shoot black-and-white film (ISO. ASA) • Composition and lighting.

Introduction to basic darkroom skills:• Processing film from the previous days, making a contact sheet • Preparing and mixing developers, temperature versus timing • Washing and drying  • Analysing negatives in the light box • The equipment and how it works.

Making prints: • introduction to how enlarger work • Negatives papers and filter grade • Timing • Making first print test and visualizing final print • Dodging and burning.

Exhibiting at the Ionion Center

Venue : Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture & sites in the island of Kefalonia.

Dates  Session 1:      September 7th – 13th 2020

               Session 2:       September 15th – 21st 2020

Location: Greece,   Island Kefalonia.

Opening date for applications: June1st 2020

Deadline for applications:  July15th, 2020

Deadline for completion of submissions/final participations: August 5th  2020

Eligibility : Open to all and to  Photography and film interested

Application by e-mail :    /or/

Academic support :

Information, terms, conditions, fees :

Side activities: Exploration of  Kefalonia’s lights and surrounds, included natural formations, sites of interest, beaches, museums, traditional dancing nights and events.                                                master-classes.

The program will be advanced in collaboration with the ECOTRAVEL KEFALONIA :

About Enrique Verdugo:

Enrique Verdugo is a photographer and filmmaker who lives and works in London. He was born in Santiago de Chile.

He holds a degree in Photography from Arcos Institute in Santiago de Chile and a Masters degree in Film Making from Kingston University in the UK.

Enrique is a freelancer and works with editorial, and architectural practices. His work includes a variety of commissions as well as creative educational projects. He collaborates with diverse artists, as well as on his own projects.

His work in photography and film is mainly on location. Subjects vary

from abandoned architecture and industrial spaces such as in his series ‘Echoes and Deserts’, to experimentation in portraying ‘time and motion’ using the human body as a canvas in his ‘Body and Flux’ series.

Enrique was shortlisted for the ‘Hariban Award’ in Japan in 2019. He is currently working on two self publishing projects, as well as producing a feature length documentary film about water and politics in his native Chile.

Video & photographic works:


SOS paradise calling! Masterclass led by Victoria Vesna & Haytham Nawar

SOS paradise calling!     

  Masterclass led by Victoria Vesna & Haytham Nawar 


Who can go to vacation in paradise and ignore all the suffering going on above and below the earth, the water and the skies?

Meet a group of renowned artists and scientists to explore, learn think about the planet and come up with creative ways to address the urgent calls from people, animals and the invisible world.

Experience the gorgeous, mythical environment through field trips, lectures, workshops through hands on collaborative projects considering the myriad points of view.

Explore the mountains, gullies, lakes and the Ionian Sea.

SEE from a different perspective the planktons and micro-plastics.

HEAR the sounds of birds, the winds of change and the underwater noise pollution.

FEEL the air and get closer to your intuitive sensing.

TASTE the sea and the food that we will cook together and eat in community.


VICTORIA VESNA, Ph.D.:Artist, Professor, Design Media Arts, founder and Director of UCLA Art Sci center, Visiting Professor at Empowerment Informatics Program, University of Tsukuba, Japan and Interface Cultures, University of Linz, Austria. Active since the early 1980s, she created early Internet art works and developed many projects in long term collaborations with scientists.


HAYTHAM NAWAR, Ph.D:Artist, designer, researcher, Assistant Professor and Director of the Graphic Design program, Department of the Arts at the American University in Cairo. Founder and Director of the Cairotronica, Cairo Electronic, and New Media Arts Festival.


Dates              July 14-28, 2020 (due to the pandemic new dates will be determined and announced)

Location         Kefalonia Island, Greece

Venue             Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture

Deadline for applications:

Capacity         16 participants



Artists from all disciplines, scientists, researchers, philosophers, environmentalists, Minds seeking deeper meaning and connection between Creative Practice, Life and the World.


If interested to know more details on general info, terms, conditions, fees, documentation, personal support, kindly email:  OR


The Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture operates in a Global environment in the fields of Higher Education, Arts and Research. The International Strategy of the Institution in accordance to its Establishment Act, is embracing the Globalization needs of the Academic and Art’s World. Knowledge, Academic Research and Innovation in across borders model constitutes the core program of the Institution.

Come to Create, Present, Perform



MIGRATION SEAS Class led by Salma Zulfiqar

‘’The Seas are vehicles for building understanding and peace between communities around the World. The Seas are a vehicle for transporting and connecting people and cultures. They allow people to experience and immerse themselves in different cultures so that we can learn from one another and learn to live with one another in peace,’’         Salma Zulfiqar

migration seas


British artist & Activist, Salma Zulfiqar, will hold an exploratory creative workshop on the relationship between Migration and the SEAS.

Participants will identify strands they would like to document through art and will be invited to create artwork in the form of paintings, films, videos or photography on the issue of  Migration and the Seas.

Participants will brainstorm and discuss current issues related to Migration and the SEAS.         What Migration means to all taking part and how this can be interpreted into different forms of creative communication and artwork through a creative storyboarding process. The creative sessions will also explore the impact art can have in raising awareness of an issue such as migration and also how art as a whole can help build prosperous & tolerant societies around the world.

LOCATION : Greek Island Kefalonia

VENUE : Greek Island Kefalonia  at the  Iakovateios Library ,town of Lixouri  &  Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture

DATES : May 12th –May 18th 2018

EVENT   May 16th, International Day of Living Together in Peace

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all, all disciplines with focus to Film, Photography, Painting


DEADLINES: April 25th 2018

Application information

Web Application form :

Email Application       :

Contact & Fees :
