Category Archives: Dance

‘’ART TANGO’’ World Meeting/Art & Style Dance School , Olga Galiatsatou

‘’ART TANGO’’ World Meeting

The Art of Tango World Meeting is inviting Maestros, Tango Dancers, Instrumentalists, DJs, Choreographers, Photographers, Videographers, Dance Schools and Dance involved & interested/passionate for Tango from all the fields of the Arts………
Location: The Greek Island Kefalonia
Dates: July 20th- 26th 2024
The Event is taking place at the Greek Island Kefalonia. A six days exploration and performances of the art of Tango, a unique variety of dance techniques, rhythms and diverse cultural experiences.
The island’s Summer atmosphere, the breeze of the Ionian Sea next to the stages of Tango dance will be the basic elements of an invaluable, enjoyable, creative trip. Music, poetry, art exhibitions, cultural tours and magical Tango nights under the stars consist the main program.
Organizer : Art & Style Dance School Olga Galiatsatou
-The headquarters of the Art & Style Dance School Olga Galiatsatou (for Tango milongas )
– The Ionion Center for the Arts & Culture , amphitheater and exhibition hall (for concerts, exhibitions, Tango performances)
-Municipal Venues for Tango nights (Theaters, Historical sites, Public Venues)
Applicants must be 18 years old and over
Entry fee: 50 euro for every person
Fees are nonrefundable, required with the application
Deadlines for applications: May 30th 2024
For Terms , Conditions, Fees, Grants and Scholarships please communicate by email at:
We will get back to you with detailed information regarding all the types of participations and grant offers: for individuals , for couples , for art’s schools .
Grant Connected Program, operating under the International Program of the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture.
All the applicants (dancers, musicians, artists from every creative field) are welcome to benefit:
1. in terms of official supporting documentation for funding , visas etc applications in their regions.
2. in terms of ensuring the best accommodation and professional support conditions for their participation in the program.
3. in terms of grant eligibility from the Ionion Center program(s).
4. in terms of scheduling a personal event in their specific field.
5. in terms of documentation –invitations & certificates of participation.
6. In terms of global promotion
7. In terms of inclusion in an edition
Awards : The top Master΄s couple (selected by the Jury) will be granted 7 days residency at the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture.
Musicians/Instrumentalists/ DJs (selected by the Jury ) will be granted personal 7 days residency at the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture and a personal concert beyond the Tango events.
Our inviting professionals dance teachers
Olga Galiatsatou and Panagiotis Voulgaris, dancers, dance teachers and choreographers, are looking forward to cooperating with you!

Olga Galiatsatou and Panagiotis Voulgaris are both dance teachers and choreographers, distinguished by the Greek Government for their invaluable work for the ‘’ART & STYLE DANCE SCHOOL’’ of Kefalonia’’ . Their professional qualifications in Ballroom Standard and Argentine Tango are formally recognized from I.S.T.D, I.D.T.A and C.I.D ( Council International de la Dance). Invited as international adjudicators and professional teachers from W.D.C in Ballroom Standard, Latin and Argentine Tango, they are present in many international dance competitions. Both the artists and their School won a great number of wards and medals in Croatia, Serbia, Italy, Romania and Greece.


Classic ballet seminar , Art & Style Dance School , Olga Galiatsatou

Σεμινάριο Κλασσικού Μπαλέτου
Σάββατο 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2023 στο Ιόνιο Κέντρο Τεχνών & Πολιτισμού
Κυριακή 10 Δεκεμβρίου στη Σχολή της Όλγας Γαλιατσάτου.

προσφορά του

Art & Style Dance School , Olga Galiatsatou


Finding your Unique Voice Master Workshop – Choreography/Creative Process/ March 29th-April 4th , 2015 AT the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture /Greek Island Kefalonia.

DSC_0822Finding your Unique Voice

Master Workshop – Choreography/Creative Process/ March 29th-April 4th , 2015 AT the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture /Greek Island Kefalonia.


‘’Finding your Unique Voice’’ is a 6 day intensive Master Workshop

Instructor : Emily Berry

 Venue : The Ionion Center for The Arts and Culture ,   Island Kefalonia, Greece .

Time : ( March 29th April 4th 2015,  Mediterranean Spring ,Greek Easter, when the island is transformed in a mild weather Paradise in full  blossom.

Eligibility :This unique Master Workshop is open to 12-15 participants from transdisciplinary  or dancing/ performing arts background,  that are interested in exploring the creative process and to introduce /communicate /demonstrate a personal or professional project on the explored theme.

The selection will be based on the originality  and innovation of the project.

Award: The best personal  project will be warded by the Ionion Center with the opportunity of a personal presentation / performance  and  residency.

The workshop ‘’Finding your Unique Voice’’ will focus on a process to pull out of the participants their unique movement/ creative  voice as well as discovering their own unique creative process into the new –early Spring environment of the Island .  Participants will share in daily classes of movement, improvisation, discussions, and time to explore and create. The week will culminate in a public sharing of the movement/work that was discovered over the course of the week.  Participants will also have an opportunity to traverse the Island, using its rich landscapes and history as inspiration for creative explorations.  Participants will also engage in creating a site specific performance in relationship to the natural/architectural/cultural environment .

Open call is inviting applications . Dead line for applications : March 25th 2015.

Participation fee is euro 380(tax and registration fee  included), includes full housing accommodation, breakfast  and one local  traditional  hot meal(lunch).

Traveling , insurance, leisure  and local transportation expenses are not included.

The Master Workshop will offer Official Certificate of Participation

For details and the  full program  please contact:

Applications :


Emily Berry, MFA – Department of Health, Physical Education, and Dance

Associate Professor ,  Queensborough  Community College NY


Master of Fine Arts: George Mason University
Bachelor of Dance Arts: University of Michigan School of Music
Bachelor of General Studies in Women’s Studies and Political Science: University of Michigan School of Literature, Science, & Arts




Emily Berry :

 Emily Berry is the Artistic Director of B3W Performance Group, which has performed in the

US, England and Mexico. In New York City, B3W has performed at Henry Street Settlement,

Dance New Amsterdam, Dixon Place, BAAD!, the 92nd Street Y, The Irondale Center as part ofFlicFest, the International Dance Festival NYC, the DUMBO Dance Festival, the Manhattan

Movement Arts Center, and the Cool New York Dance Festival. The company has also

premiered two dance films in Maryland and in Switzerland. B3W received the Mondo Cane

Commission from Dixon Place where we premiered Confined in September 2010 with a threeweek

run. Emily was also commissioned to set a piece on Ann Arbor Dance Works in May of

  1. Spin Art, B3W’s newest evening length work premiered at the Irondale Center January

30th, 2014 with live music by DBR. Spin Art will premiere as a creating public art through

performance piece with paint inside of a cube in Queens in the fall of 2014.

Eva Yaa Asantewaa (Infinite Body) describes Berry’s work as “Memorable, intelligent, strong”.

“Violent but engaging” are the words attached to Berry’s work by Clare Croft in the Washington

Post. Maura Donahue (Culturbot) writes about Confined as, “Clear expression of idea in


Emily has performed with danceTactics Performance Group/Keith Thompson, Boris Willis

Moves, Dakshina/Daniel Phoenix Singh & Company, Restless Native Dance/Tamieca McCloud,

Lesole’s Dance Project, and Ashe Moyubba/Alafia Afro-Cuban Folkloric Dance Ensemble.

Emily is a Certified Movement Analyst. She also has a MFA in dance from George Mason

University. Her Bachelor of Dance Arts was earned from the University of Michigan along with

a Bachelor of General Studies in Women’s Studies and Political Science. She has taught at

Oakland University, George Mason University, Coppin State University, Montgomery College,

and the Community College of Baltimore County. She has also taught master classes for

ACDFA, Goucher College, the College of William and Mary, the University of Michigan, and

numerous dance intensives. She is currently an assistant professor of dance and the director of

the dance program at Queensborough Community College.




Sunday  March 29th

10:00am -11:00 am – Welcome and Introductions

11:00 am-1:00 pm – Movement class

1:00-2:00 pm – Lunch

2:00pm-3:30pm – Improvisation Class

3:30pm-3:45pm – Coffee Break

3:45pm-5:00pm – Creative Process – Discussion and Exploration

5.00pm-12.00 free evening / free exploration of the area / Argostoli by night


Monday March 30th

10:00am-11:45am  – Movement/Improvisation Class

11:45am-12:00noon- Break

12:00noon -1:00pm – Creative Process – Journal writing/Discussion

1:00pm-2:00pm – Lunch

2:00pm-4:00pm – Exploration/Experimentation of Creative Process/Movement Development

4:00pm-4:15pm – Coffee Break

4:15pm-5:00pm – Sharing of Explorations

5.00pm-12.00 free evening / free exploration of the area





Tuesday  March 31th

Excursion to Explore the Island

Journal Writing of Inspiration – Site Specific ideas for improvisations/performances/or inspiration for creative process/movement



Wednesday  April 1st

10:00am -11:15 am – Movement/Improvisation Class

11:15am-12:15pm – Discussion/sharing of discoveries from Excursion

12:15pm-1:00pm – Planning of 2nd excursion – creating a collective response through movement

1:00pm-2:00pm – Lunch

2:00pm-4:00pm – Time to Explore Creative process/Movement

4:00-4:15 – Coffee  Break

4:15pm-5:00 pm– Sharing of explorations – final planning of 2nd excursion – creating a collective response through movement

5.00pm-12.00 free evening /free exploration of the area


Thursday April 2nt

10:00am -1:00pm – 2nd Excursion – Performing Site Specific Work

1:00pm-2:00pm – Lunch

2:00pm-5:00pm – Exploring a new creative process – Developing an Idea

5.00pm-12.00 free evening / free exploration of the area


Friday April 3 th

10:00am-11:15am – Movement/Improvisation Class

11:15am-1:00 pm– Developing an Idea/Concept

1:00pm-2:00pm – Lunch

2:00pm-4:00pm – Finalizing what to show

4:00pm-6:00pm – Coffee Break

6:00pm-7:00pm  warm – up

7:00pm  – Public event / Showing of explorations from the week


Saturday April 4th


Evaluation process – awarding the best participation

Certificates of participation

Good buy cocktail


MASK AND THE WORLD -SPERANZA SPIR, Holistic movement and butoh workshop.

The Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture is proud to announce 

the project of Speranza Spir  : MASK AND THE WORLD – Holistic movement and butoh workshop.


The process of understanding one’s anatomy and the experience of soul and genealogy of place involve a prying apart of the self to uncover the ever resonating essence of personal identity and biological genealogy. This short 2-day workshop will focus on bodywork that will encourage one to encounter parts of the Self through interaction with the natural environment of Kefalonia (and possibly that of Ithaki) relative to consciousness (through the body) of the randomness of a natural disaster, such as the one experienced in 1953 on Kefalonia Island. Through holistic movement explorations based on the Holistic Gymnastics Ehrenfried method, as well as Butoh dance practice, participants will ponder questions and notions pertaining to survival, belonging and root-identity, and articulating response through collective and individual creation and choreography to uncover and inform the relationships between the body and self, place, identity and belonging. The use of these two methods suggests the shape-shifting and somatic potentials that will come together and accrue specific meaning for all participating.

Details :

The workshop will take place at the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture

Dates :13 – 14 May, 2013.

Time: 9h-14h. Maximum participants: 10

This workshop will be given in English.

If participants are willing, we may plan a site specific public performance.

The site and day will be determined as we evolve as a group.

Open to all.

Please forward your name and contact information with a short bio and why you are interested in doing this workshop.

For furthers inquiries  and enrolment please contact Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture ,

Ehrenfried Holistic Gymnastics is a movement approach bringing equilibrium via the intelligence of the body. It is based on simple movements, verbally suggested by the practitioner, encouraging proprioception and personal awareness. In turn, this exploration of movement enables the participant with musculoskeletal agility, aiding the body to liberate itself of automatisms and habits which can be a source of tension, pain, and compression. The repertoire of movements encourages active rest, joint alignment, mobility & muscle toning, all the while rhythmic breathing guiding the way movements are executed. Gradually, the internal organs regulate from the effects of rhythmic breathing; behaviour modifying itself in tandem with changes in physical habits giving way to the joy of movement and discovery of self.

Butoh is a form of dance theatre originating in Japan out of the post-World War II era, partly as opposition to America’s bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as well as in protest of Western materialism. Butoh work calls on the body’s work, its changing conditions through stillness and physicality, and linking one to the essential and raw experiences of physical and spiritual states.

Speranza Spir – Éducatrice Somatique

Motricity & Dance movement educator

Ehrenfried Method Holistic Gymnastics

Écoutez l’entretien sur Radio Canada

Poète, Performance:








Mask & The World Somatic Dance Atelier, by Speranza Spir

Mask and The World
Mask and The World

Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture

July 23-31, 2012

The process of understanding one’s anatomy and the experience of soul and genealogy of place involve a prying apart of the self to uncover the ever resonating essence of personal identity and biological genealogy. In this week-long workshop we will encounter parts of our Self through interaction with the natural environment of Kefalonia. Through holistic movement explorations based on the Holistic Gymnastics Ehrenfried method, as well as Butoh dance practice, participants will ponder questions and notions pertaining to belonging and root-identity, and articulate response through collective and individual creation and choreography to uncover and inform the relationships between the body and self, place, identity and belonging. The use of these two methods suggests the shape-shifting and somatic potentials that will come together and accrue specific meaning for all participating.

Ehrenfried Holistic Gymnastics is a movement approach bringing equilibrium via the intelligence of the body. It is based on simple movements, verbally suggested by the practitioner, encouraging proprioception and personal awareness. In turn, this exploration of movement enables the participant with musculoskeletal agility, aiding the body to liberate itself of automatisms and habits which can be a source of tension, pain, and compression. The repertoire of movements encourages active rest, joint alignment, mobility & muscle toning, all the while rhythmic breathing guiding the way movements are executed. Gradually, the internal organs regulate from the effects of rhythmic breathing; behaviour modifying itself in tandem with changes in physical habits giving way to the joy of movement and discovery of self. Butoh is a form of dance theatre originating in Japan out of the post-World War II era, partly as opposition to America’s bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as well as in protest of Western materialism. Butoh work calls on the body’s work, its changing conditions through stillness and physicality, and linking one to the essential and raw experiences of physical and spiritual states.

The workshop will take place at the Ionion Center for Arts and Culture from July 23-31, 2012.

Every day: 9h-14h.

Maximum participants: 12

This workshop will be given in English.

Fee for the 8 day atelier 450 euros (due by day 2 of the workshop)

Day 8 will involve a site specific public performance.

The site and time is to be determined as we evolve as a group.

1 day drop-in participation is permitted exclusively on July 23rd. Cost is 75 euros.

Open to all. Please forward your name and contact information with a short bio and why you are interested in doing this workshop.

For furthers inquiries please contact the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture here.


Double Vision Dance Performance and Workshop, Kefolonia 2011


Workshops: July 5-8 [Tues-Fri]
Performance: July 9 [Sat]
Where: Ionian Center, Metaxata 28100, Island Kefalonia, Greece
Info: | +30 69843 00009


Double Vision Recession Special Tour
Double Vision Recession Special Tour


“γνῶθι σεαυτόν”

United States based intermedia performance group DOUBLE VISION is teaming up with collaborative artists Ellen Smith Ahern and Lida Winfield to present a series of workshops, artist talks, and performances at the Ionian Center for the Arts and Culture. Participants will be immersed in the exploration of contemporary dance, movement, and experimental arts. After spending six days with DOUBLE VISION on the pristine Island Kefalonia, all involved will walk away refreshed and inspired.

The workshop includes:
– 6 DAYS STAY in double occupancy room
– Participation to the entire program (4-9 July, 2011)
– Breakfast
– Certificate of Participation
– Free Participation to the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture Open Programs

Workshop Schedule:
Tuesday, July 5, 2011: Artist Talk
Wednesday, July 6, 2011: Workshop in Improvisation
Thursday, July 7, 2011: Dance Master Class
Friday, July 8, 2011: Artist Talk or Open Rehearsal
Saturday, July 9, 2011: Evening performance

Workshop Details:
DOUBLE VISION Artist Talk. [Sean Clute and Pauline Jennings]
DOUBLE VISION will give an overview of their work while emphasizing collaboration, interaction, and the use of science and technology in the art-making process. Because DOUBLE VISION’s work incorporates diverse media including dance, painting, sculpture, video, music and omputer programming, the talk will be relevant and interesting for a diverse audience.

Master Class for Dancers, Storytellers, Poets and the Performing Artist [by Lida Winfeld]
Using improvisation, Lida will lead the group to explore ways of creating stories and movement. By sharing our stories through movement and narrative, participants will build bridges between each other and contribute to the growth of community. Creativity and an open mind is all that is needed to enjoy this workshop; all sizes and abilities welcome.

Contemporary Dance Master Class [by Pauline Jennings]
Students will be given the opportunity to learn works from the DOUBLE VISION dance repertoire directly from choreographer Pauline Jennings and company dancers. The class can be adjusted to suit beginner to advanced dance technique needs.

Performance Program:
Duplexity is a contemporary dance solo inspired by the idea that a single message may be sent simultaneously in two directions.

The woods are deep is a dance duet rooted in images of moving water, hawks, deer, and humans in the map of an imaginary landscape.

Know Thyself (γνῶθι σεαυτόν) is a live animation in which interpretations of Greek mythology are improvised.

360 Euro per person [includes six days residency, workshops, performance] . Payable in the Center’s registered account or through our Paypal Account.


Double Vision’s website
