Αρχείο κατηγορίας Εκπαίδευση

WILFRIDO TERRAZAS //all journeys end in Ithaca//

Wilfrido Terrazas

Φλαουτίστας και συνθέτης, ο Wilfrido Terrazas είναι ένας  από τoυς  πιο δραστήριους, πρωτοπόρους Μεξικανούς  μουσικούς.

Ο Wilfrido συνεργάζεται με συνθέτες, ελεύθερους ερμηνευτές, performers  και καλλιτέχνες όλων των κλάδων για τη δημιουργία μουσικών έργων, που αψηφούν το παραδοσιακό άκουσμα  για  να οικοδομήσουν με  μοναδικό και τολμηρό ήχο νέους μουσικούς κόσμους.

Ενεργό μέλος του συλλόγου  Espontanea Egeneration της περιοχής  Liminar, διδάσκει φλάουτο στο Conservatorio de las Rosas στην πόλη Μορέλια.

Το έργο που θα παρουσιάσει σε παγκόσμια Πρώτη στην Κεφαλονιά  έχει βασισθεί και δημιουργηθεί  από την αγάπη και  ενδελεχή μελέτη  του καλλιτέχνη στον  Ελληνικό Πολιτισμό. Ο δημιουργικός ήχος του διατρέχει τους αιώνες της Ελληνικής Ιστορίας, θεμελιώνοντας  ένα αέναο πρωτογενές  και μεγαλειώδες  μουσικό στερέωμα.

 ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑ  Wilfrido Terrazas

 Flute  recital21 Αυγούστου 2012, Ιόνιο Κέντρο Τεχνών &Πολιτισμού

1.Θάνος Χρυσάκης (1971) Ειρμός II (2011)* Μπάσο ΦλάουτοΠαγκόσμια Πρώτη

2.Mauricio Rodriguez (1976) Nimbuscirrus (2000)* Φλάουτο

3.Mario Lavista (1943) Lamento (1981) Μπάσο Φλάουτο

4.Θάνος Χρυσάκης (1971) Ειρμός I (2011)* Φλάουτο Παγκόσμια Πρώτη

5.Παναγιώτης Δημόπουλος (1977) Weberiana (2012)*Πίκολο και Τύμπανο

Παγκόσμια Πρώτη


6.Νίκος Χαριζάνος (1969)  Ναϊάδες (2011) Φλάουτο  Παγκόσμια Πρώτη

7.Wilfrido Terrazas (1974)

Ιθάκη, Ταξίδι για έναν φλαουτίστα (2012) Εννέα κομμάτια για Φλάουτο. Πίκολο, Άλτο Φλάουτο και Μπάσο Φλάουτο   Παγκόσμια Πρώτη

Το έργο γράφτηκε κατά τη διάρκεια της διαμονής στο Ιόνιο Κέντρο Τεχνών και Πολιτισμού

I. Προοίμιον (Επίλογος)

II. Καλυψώ (Απουσία)

III. Ο Κανένας (Οδυσσέας)

IV. Ναυσικά (Θάλασσα)

V. Κίρκη (Ομίχλη)

VI. Ασπίδα (Πύργος)

VII. Σκύλλα (Χάρυβδη)

VIII. Αίολος (Πρωτεύς)

IX. Άδης (Τειρεσίας)


*Έργα που έχουν γραφεί για τον Wilfrido Terrazas

Αυτή η παραγωγή υποστηρίζεται από το Εθνικό Ταμείο για τον Πολιτισμό και τις Τέχνες του Μεξικoού

Proyecto ap de Residencias FONCA-CONACYT 2011-12) Proyecto apoyado  por el Fondo Nacional para la Culturay las Artes Programa 


Bryan Prillwitz “H απόλυτη ομορφιά,ο παράγων που ενοποιεί την[καλλιτεχνική] φόρμα ”


The stimulation of working in a community with other artists is essential for the purpose of learning and sharing creativity.

I wish for my work to have “absolute beauty,” that “oneness of form” that means that in a tactile sense, memory and physicality are one. I am compelled by that mysterious memory of flesh and material, of strange and forgotten events. I am influenced by Cy Twombly and his paintings that depict the Aegean Sea, the ships sailing to the island of Paphos and the mythical god Dionysus. I think that the flesh and blood in my paintings is of Dionysus, of desire, as well as of a tortured feeling of diminishment, or denial.

Bryan Prillwitz  M.F.A .Michigan State University




Diana Dudek στο Ιόνιο Κέντρο Τεχνών και Πολιτισμού παρουσιάζει //A World Behind//


//Is the absence of the ornament an indicaror of spiritual strength?

The adornment did, however, survive and took on a new form, – intellectual, poetical and visual … So surface ornament gained in depth//.



Ο Craig Dongoski στο Ιόνιο Κέντρο Τεχνών και Πολιτισμού Ιούλιος 2012

Craig Dongoski  at IonionCenter for the Arts and Culture July 2012

Art exhibition  11- 21 July 2012, official presentation  19 July 2012 , 21.oo , open invitation

// My plan is to produce drawings on terrestrial/geological samples of Kefalonia.

I am particularly interested in making drawings on top of photographs

of the earthquake in Kefalonia 1953//.

Craig Dongoski
Here is my new link http://vimeo.com/m/36607683



Simmone Howell, The Writer’s Journal

Simmone Howell

The Writer’s Journal

August 11th, 2012



The journal is one of the writer’s greatest tools. It can be a storehouse for ideas, a way to document of your writing process and a safe place to experiment and explore your creativity. This workshop will introduce various journaling techniques including using maps, memory, automatic writing and visioning. We will create new writing from eclectic source material. and be inspired by our environment’s geography and mythology.  The Writers Journal is a hands-on, experimental and relaxed workshop. Whether you are an absolute beginner, on brink of a new project or facing writer’s block, this workshop will guide you towards results and new vistas.


Topics covered:

– automatic writing

– generating ideas

– visioning

– mapping

– finding and keeping inspiration  


About the Artist

Simmone Howell is the author of Everything Beautiful and Notes from the Teenage Underground


Simmone Howell
Simmone Howell

The Giant Sea Cave Excavation

July 20 – 31, 2012
Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture, Greece

The Giant Sea Cave Excavation
The Giant Sea Cave Excavation

In the summer 2011, Pamela Longobardi (US) swam to a massive sea cave from Liakas with Maria Rigatou (GR). It was immense and filled with many pieces of plastic, some very large. The two women swam out several large bags of material and large plastic objects. For Drifters Project/Kefalonia Phase II, Longobardi plans to clean the entire cave with a team of swimmers and to remove all the material and transport it to the Ionion Art Center to document, analyze and create a single large-scale art installation in the gallery.

In July 2012 the materials will be floated out of the cave as a giant raft of plastic, a floating island chain transported by swimmers – Pamela Longobardi herself and Claudia Lamas Cornejo (GE/PE), a Berlin-based culture manager and curator of the environmental exhibition project PACKET-SOUP.

This action will be documented by underwater and above water video to create a film that will be projected in the gallery with the array of plastic that is removed and sorted.

A forensic study will be done of the modern-day archeology of the cave, with statistical analysis, object identification of all components, and presentation of the findings.

The artist and Plastic Pollution Coalition founder Dianna Cohen (US) will in addition display her abstract paintings made of plastic bags in half of the gallery space.

Pamela Longobardi
Artist and Professor of Art (* October 1, 1958 in Glen Ridge NJ, USA)
Pam Longobardi’s work encompasses multiple mediums from painting, to photography and installation to address the psychological relationship between humans and the natural world. Her artwork was and is shown at numerous solo and group exhibitions all over the world (e.g. Venice Biennale 2009). In 2006, upon discovering the vast hoards of plastic the ocean regurgitates on remote beaches, she founded the Drifters Project, creating environmental interventions and exhibitions in Hawaii, Alaska, Costa Rica, China, Italy and Greece.  Her work has been shown recently at Nouveau Musee National de Monaco, Gallery Diet in Miami, and Savvy Contemporary in Berlin.


Claudia Lamas Cornejo
Curator and Culture-Manager (* October 16, 1983 in Munich, Germany)
Since the foundation of SAVVY Contemporary, Claudia Lamas Cornejo is responsible for Management and Public Relations as well as for fundraising exhibition and performance projects at this non-profit space in Berlin-Neukolln. She participated as a media- and press-manager in numerous national and international exhibitions and publications. In 2012 she curated the exhibition PACKET-SOUP, an environmental exhibition project about plastic pollution. She has completed a B.A. in Intercultural Communication and a Master of Culture and Media Management at the Freie Universitat Berlin.

Dianna Cohen
Artist and COFounder of the Plastic Pollution Coalition (* May 13, 1965 in Los Angeles CA, USA)
Dianna Cohen is a Los Angeles-based multimedia visual artist, painter and curator. She is best known for her works using recycled plastic bags ranging from small hanging pieces to room-sized installations. In 2007, Cohen expanded into making wearable art pieces using recycled materials. Solo shows include Post, Art Affairs gallery in Amsterdam, the Sutton Gallery in Melbourne, and Frank Pictures in Santa Monica, CA. She has shown in group exhibitions at Affirmation Arts in NYC, the Riverside Art Museum in Riverside, the Bronx Museum in NYC and the Tampa Museum of Art in Florida and many other places around the world.

Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture
Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture is the only Arts and related Sciences Institute on the Greek island of Kefalonia.
It forms a broad and effective program of innovative activities in Arts and Sciences and announces and supports projects in Arts and Sciences in all disciplines. Exhibitions, presentations, art events and festivals, educational programs and research are into the activities program.

The Giant Sea Cave Excavation

Plastic Polution Coalition
Plastic Polution Coalition
Drifters Project
Drifters Project
savvy contemporary
savvy contemporary