Tag Archives: planetary collegium

Τechnoetic Telos – An International Research Conference in the Planetary Collegium’s Consciousness Reframed Series

Τechnoetic Telos
An International Research Conference in the Planetary Collegium’s Consciousness Reframed Series
convened by the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture, Kefalonia, Greece.

ICAC (Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture) in cooperation with the Planetary Collegium at the University of Plymouth, England, is hosting a conference in the series of Consciousness Reframed International Research Conferences, with the title of “TECHNOETIC TELOS: Art, Myth and Media”.

The conference will take place at Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture (ICAC) on the Island of Kefalonia, Greece, from April 30 to May 2, 2012.

For more information please visit the Conference’s dedicated pages at www.ionionartscenter.gr/conference/

Or click here to visit the dedicated website we have created with all information relating to the conference.

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