The Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture is proud to announce
the project of Speranza Spir : MASK AND THE WORLD – Holistic movement and butoh workshop.
The process of understanding one’s anatomy and the experience of soul and genealogy of place involve a prying apart of the self to uncover the ever resonating essence of personal identity and biological genealogy. This short 2-day workshop will focus on bodywork that will encourage one to encounter parts of the Self through interaction with the natural environment of Kefalonia (and possibly that of Ithaki) relative to consciousness (through the body) of the randomness of a natural disaster, such as the one experienced in 1953 on Kefalonia Island. Through holistic movement explorations based on the Holistic Gymnastics Ehrenfried method, as well as Butoh dance practice, participants will ponder questions and notions pertaining to survival, belonging and root-identity, and articulating response through collective and individual creation and choreography to uncover and inform the relationships between the body and self, place, identity and belonging. The use of these two methods suggests the shape-shifting and somatic potentials that will come together and accrue specific meaning for all participating.
Details :
The workshop will take place at the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture
Dates :13 – 14 May, 2013.
Time: 9h-14h. Maximum participants: 10
This workshop will be given in English.
If participants are willing, we may plan a site specific public performance.
The site and day will be determined as we evolve as a group.
Open to all.
Please forward your name and contact information with a short bio and why you are interested in doing this workshop.
For furthers inquiries and enrolment please contact Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture ,,
Ehrenfried Holistic Gymnastics is a movement approach bringing equilibrium via the intelligence of the body. It is based on simple movements, verbally suggested by the practitioner, encouraging proprioception and personal awareness. In turn, this exploration of movement enables the participant with musculoskeletal agility, aiding the body to liberate itself of automatisms and habits which can be a source of tension, pain, and compression. The repertoire of movements encourages active rest, joint alignment, mobility & muscle toning, all the while rhythmic breathing guiding the way movements are executed. Gradually, the internal organs regulate from the effects of rhythmic breathing; behaviour modifying itself in tandem with changes in physical habits giving way to the joy of movement and discovery of self.
Butoh is a form of dance theatre originating in Japan out of the post-World War II era, partly as opposition to America’s bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as well as in protest of Western materialism. Butoh work calls on the body’s work, its changing conditions through stillness and physicality, and linking one to the essential and raw experiences of physical and spiritual states.
Speranza Spir – Éducatrice Somatique
Motricity & Dance movement educator
Ehrenfried Method Holistic Gymnastics
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