‘’ART TANGO’’ World Meeting/Art & Style Dance School , Olga Galiatsatou

‘’ART TANGO’’ World Meeting

The Art of Tango World Meeting is inviting Maestros, Tango Dancers, Instrumentalists, DJs, Choreographers, Photographers, Videographers, Dance Schools and Dance involved & interested/passionate for Tango from all the fields of the Arts………
Location: The Greek Island Kefalonia
Dates: July 20th- 26th 2024
The Event is taking place at the Greek Island Kefalonia. A six days exploration and performances of the art of Tango, a unique variety of dance techniques, rhythms and diverse cultural experiences.
The island’s Summer atmosphere, the breeze of the Ionian Sea next to the stages of Tango dance will be the basic elements of an invaluable, enjoyable, creative trip. Music, poetry, art exhibitions, cultural tours and magical Tango nights under the stars consist the main program.
Organizer : Art & Style Dance School Olga Galiatsatou
-The headquarters of the Art & Style Dance School Olga Galiatsatou (for Tango milongas )
– The Ionion Center for the Arts & Culture , amphitheater and exhibition hall (for concerts, exhibitions, Tango performances)
-Municipal Venues for Tango nights (Theaters, Historical sites, Public Venues)
Applicants must be 18 years old and over
Entry fee: 50 euro for every person
Fees are nonrefundable, required with the application
Applications: info@ionionartscenter.gr
Deadlines for applications: May 30th 2024
Contact: contact@ionionartscenter.com
For Terms , Conditions, Fees, Grants and Scholarships please communicate by email at: contact@ionionartscenter.gr
We will get back to you with detailed information regarding all the types of participations and grant offers: for individuals , for couples , for art’s schools .
Grant Connected Program, operating under the International Program of the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture.
All the applicants (dancers, musicians, artists from every creative field) are welcome to benefit:
1. in terms of official supporting documentation for funding , visas etc applications in their regions.
2. in terms of ensuring the best accommodation and professional support conditions for their participation in the program.
3. in terms of grant eligibility from the Ionion Center program(s).
4. in terms of scheduling a personal event in their specific field.
5. in terms of documentation –invitations & certificates of participation.
6. In terms of global promotion
7. In terms of inclusion in an edition
Awards : The top Master΄s couple (selected by the Jury) will be granted 7 days residency at the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture.
Musicians/Instrumentalists/ DJs (selected by the Jury ) will be granted personal 7 days residency at the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture and a personal concert beyond the Tango events.
Our inviting professionals dance teachers
Olga Galiatsatou and Panagiotis Voulgaris, dancers, dance teachers and choreographers, are looking forward to cooperating with you!

Olga Galiatsatou and Panagiotis Voulgaris are both dance teachers and choreographers, distinguished by the Greek Government for their invaluable work for the ‘’ART & STYLE DANCE SCHOOL’’ of Kefalonia’’ . Their professional qualifications in Ballroom Standard and Argentine Tango are formally recognized from I.S.T.D, I.D.T.A and C.I.D ( Council International de la Dance). Invited as international adjudicators and professional teachers from W.D.C in Ballroom Standard, Latin and Argentine Tango, they are present in many international dance competitions. Both the artists and their School won a great number of wards and medals in Croatia, Serbia, Italy, Romania and Greece.


Classic ballet seminar , Art & Style Dance School , Olga Galiatsatou

Σεμινάριο Κλασσικού Μπαλέτου
Σάββατο 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2023 στο Ιόνιο Κέντρο Τεχνών & Πολιτισμού
Κυριακή 10 Δεκεμβρίου στη Σχολή της Όλγας Γαλιατσάτου.

προσφορά του

Art & Style Dance School , Olga Galiatsatou
