I-Node Planetary Collegium /NEXT NATURE / juried poster exhibition/Andrea Traldi

Andrea Traldi

PhD candidate at the Planetary Collegium, The I-Node, School of Art & Media, University of Plymouth

Anatomy of Movement (APM) international.Country Manager – Spain



NextNature.Link (2015)


It is commonplace to organise information about experiences into temporal clusters of what ‘just happened’, ‘what happened recently’,  what happened ‘previously’, and so on. One could easily be charmed into thinking that information about the past is the only kind of information one needs to understand existence. Still and all, there are different scales of information that exist in a temporal dimension and not all accounts of ‘what happens before us’ can be reduced to ‘what happened in the past’. Our generation participates in the process involving a major paradigm shift that will transform all explanations of progress based on ‘information about what happened before’ into explanations of progress made possible because of ‘information about the future’.  We are building a language to transform information about the past into memories of what happens next. For every anecdote, example, and art project, there is a process of communication, a person who tells the story now, an anecdote of the present into which the story needs to introduce its meaning.For the Next Nature exhiibition, actual points in the exhibition room become a reference to incorporate information about the experience of the observer into the printed artwork.

Pictures from exhibition in KEF’15 – http://bit.ly/NextNaturePix



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