All posts by Editor
The Cosmopolitan Imaginary
Cosmopolitanism is an ideal that has persisted in different forms throughout many civilizations. It has been influential in anthropology, art history, political theory and cultural studies. More recently, there has been an attempt to relate this concept to non-Western theories of universalism, belonging and humanitarian philosophy. In this subject there will be a strong focus on the Classical and Hellenistic philosophers the Stoics – that represented a radical vision of equality. They proposed a notion of an ideal state – a Republic that would be populated by sages. The status of sage was open to all irrespective of race, class or gender. In this imaginary Republic a cosmic city was envisaged of unrestricted citizenship and in which the regulative institutions will have withered away. These simple propositions have also earned them the epithet that they were the first to conceive of a cosmopolitan worldview. Most surveys of the history of the concept of cosmopolitanism start with a dutiful acknowledgement of the Stoics. It will then leap forward to the Enlightenment accounts of cosmopolitanism and Kant, and his enduring influence on contemporary theorists such as Habermas and Derrida. Finally, it will take a wider optic, and address a range of Chinese and Japanese scholars that can provide alternative traditions of cosmopolitan thinking.
Professor Nikos Papastergiadis,
Encaustic explorations in mark-making, memory, and matter
May18th – 25th, 2024
Kefalonia, Greece
Well, then, let’s say [there is a wax block in our souls and that] it is a gift of Memory, the mother of the Muses, and whatever we want to remember of the things we see, hear, or we ourselves think of, by submitting it to our perceptions and thoughts, we strike off into this, as if we were putting in the seals of signet-rings. And whatever gets impressed, let’s say that we remember and know as long as its image is in it, but whatever is wiped off or cannot get impressed, that we forget and do not know. -Plato, Theatetus
Wax is a substance synonymous with memory: wax tablets were amongst the first writing technology, wax seals enclosed and protected the integrity of important documents, wax cylinders were used to first capture sound, wax was applied as a preservative coating on wood, paper, parchment, and other surfaces. On the other hand, in the Odyssey, wax was used to seal the ears of Odysseus’ crew to redact the irresistible call of the Sirens as they sailed past. Wax is a material that asks critical questions about how we know of and remember the world.
Led by artists/researchers Alexis Avlamis ( and Kurtis Lesick (, Encaustic explorations in mark-making, memory, and matter extends an invitation to visual artists, working in any discipline or medium, to the Greek island of Kefalonia (once the kingdom of Odysseus) to engage in directed professional development, research, and creation focussing on encaustic practices and the material and metaphor of wax to think through issues of memory, identity, and materiality. Practitioners in arts restoration-preservation who work are interested in wax as a material, or researchers focussing on materiality and memory may also find this workshop useful.
Hosted at the Ionion Centre for Arts and Culture (, participants in this 8-day master’s class will be introduced to a variety of encaustic production techniques for 2D and 3D works including sun bleaching, wax molds, encaustic shellac, etching and channeling, scraping, incising, collage, image transfer, and others. They will also be participating in lectures, discussions, field trips to natural and cultural heritage sites to help develop their own thinking on the power and significance of “the mark” (whether it be artistic, archaeological, geological, linguistic, or emotional) to fabricate a memory, necessitate history, and obscure alternative pasts. The class will culminate in a show of research results at the Ionion Center for Arts and Culture.
What does the program offer?
This program offers a structured experience for artists to engage with intensive studio, field, and conceptual exploration around the specific themes of the course. The fee includes accommodation, transportation during formal fieldtrips, and daily breakfast and dinners. Participants will also be provided with basic materials required for instruction. Additional materials will be available for purchase if required. The program provides opportunities for peer interaction amongst participants and mentorship from expert faculty so that participants are exposed to new thinking and practices toward the professional development of their work. Participants will also be provided with working time in the collective workshop or outdoor studio space.
Participants are also encouraged to apply for extended residencies at the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture where they can pursue their individual research, artwork, or show their work. Information on the Center’s residency program please email here:
Who should apply?
This master’s class is for experienced artists equipped with a portfolio of work and who have completed formal training at the post-secondary level, OR have equivalent experience and recognition from their peers through informal, specialized training such as mentorships, self-study, and traditional knowledge and practices. Both emerging and established artists are encouraged to apply. Researchers working with concepts of materiality and memory who are interested in exploring these ideas through the metaphor of wax and the physical environment, or practitioners in arts restoration-preservation interested in learning more about wax as a material may also apply.
Who will you work with?
Alexis Avlamis (Greece) uses both painting and language to investigate the complexities of memory and identity. Through improvisation, intuition and by tapping into a stream of consciousness his work blurs the boundaries of both material and imagined worlds. While his practice has engaged collage, acrylic painting, and colored pencil, he is best known for his use of encaustic techniques. Avlamis’ work has been exhibited internationally, published in numerous American poetry anthologies and literature journals, as well as for Art21’s blog: Inside the Artist’s Studio, 2010. He has attended artist residencies in the United States, China and Finland. Alexis was the recipient of the International Emerging Artist Award (Drawing and Illustration category) based in Dubai. His works may be found in private and public collections worldwide.
Kurtis Lesick (Canada) is an artist, curator, researcher, and award-winning creative content specialist. His installations, media works, digital performances, and cross-media collaborations explore the limits of materiality, knowledge, and themes of indeterminacy. Lesick’s practice draws heavily on his experience in archaeology, anthropology and philosophy, as well as both his love and disdain for technology. His work has been presented and exhibited internationally in Canada, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the U.S.A. He is an Associate Professor at the Alberta University of the Arts, has held an adjunct professorship at the Digital Futures Initiative in the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the Ontario College of Art and Design University (Canada), has been visiting faculty at the Banff Centre (Canada) and the University of California at Irvine (USA), and was a Benjamin Meaker Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Bristol (UK).
The Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture ( operates in a Global environment in the fields of Higher Education, Arts and Research. The Center is located on the Greek Island of Kefalonia with close proximity to the Kefalonia International Airport which provides easy access to the island by flight from most major European cities after May 1st.
All applicants for Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture programs must complete tax registration as part of their applications. For more information on the program and the registration process please contact:
”life is film and film photography…”
A full week Helios Elemental Black & White Photography master class
Venue : Ionion Center for the arts & Culture, Greek Island Kefalonia.
Session 1. July 20th-27th 2023
Session 2. September 20th -26th 2023
Helios Elemental program is hosted by The Ionion Center for the Arts & Culture and connected to the ”Timeless Light” Symposium.
Contact & information:
SEA(S) ARTS 2023
Deadline for completed submissions: July 20th 2023
Notification for acceptance : July 24th 2023
Installation process : August 6th-8th 2023
Official opening : August 8th -9th 2023
Announcement of the winners : August 20th 2023
Curator : Dr.Haytham Nawar
Notice : Formally registered submissions are granted the space for personal exhibitions/presentations (in agreement with the Ionion Center).
Submissions -formal registrations :
Contact and Information :
THE INFINITY OF THE SEAS. Earthly and Universal Seas, from the Microcosm to the Macrocosm.
The Seas, explored in a systematic interface between Human Civilization and Nature, throughout the various landscapes of the Planet or Universe, virtual or physical, connecting People, Eras, Continents, Worlds. Topics such as Environment, Incipient, Contemporary and Potential World Seas will be explored, documented and presented.
LOCATION: The Greek Islands Kefalonia and Ithaca, identify the Historical and Mythological existence of the Homeric Odyssey, the metaphor of the Human struggle against the omnipotence of the Nature, the overseas adventure, the endless Wandering of the Human Being in the fragile worlds of physical and metaphysical spheres, amid untamed elements, in search of its Origin and Life Paths towards the Truth of Existence.
ORGANIZER: The Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture. Programs developed under the Auspices of the Prefecture of the Ionian Islands and the Municipality of Kefalonia.
APPLICATIONS: open from December 10th 2023
DEADLINES : July 20th 2023
CURATOR : Dr. Haytham Nawar
VENUES: The edifice of the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture and archaeological or historical sites under the permit of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and the Municipality of Kefalonia.
TIME : Spring- Summer- Fall 2023
International Arts Exhibition opening date for personal exhibitions : August 8th 2022 (duration August 8th -September 8th 2023)
International Arts Exhibition opening date for group international exhibition : August 8th -9th 2023.
ElIGIBLE are All disciplines and interdisciplinary projects in Arts, Sciences and Technologies, Education and Research, included Environmental projects, Literary Arts , Performing Arts and Music, Applied Arts, Visual Arts , New Media.
Are invited projects personal of collective, Academic projects, Schools, Colleges, Universities and in Arts, Sciences, Research involved Institutions & Activists.
LANGUAGES : All languages are welcome (The English language is suggested for the submissions).
CONTACT and INFORMATION : (submissions, prizes & awards):
PHONE : +306907603446
Aim is the creation of a meditative sound experience whose purpose is to bring out a voiced identity of the island through an “artistic repository of sounds”.
The project will culminate to a performance into a 5.000 years old historical site.
Project Instructed by : Giulia Gallina
Organizer: Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture,
Location: The Greek Island Kefalonia
Venues: The Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture and sites of extreme interest of the Island Kefalonia
Submissions open until August 25th 2022, 13.00pm.
Class starting August 25th 2022-ending August 29th 2022
Eligibility: Eligible are All with attention to musicians, performers, vocalists, sound technologists. Welcome are all the disciplines and interdisciplinary projects in Arts, Sciences and Technologies.
Expected Participants are limited to the number of 10.
Languages: All languages are welcome (The English language is suggested for the submissions).
Contact & Information (submissions, grants info):
Program Information:
The Location: The Greek Island Kefalonia
The Class Instructor: Giulia Gallina (musician/composer)
‘’ I am an Italian musician/composer living in Lisbon. I have been studying music since I was 7 years old (piano, violin, singing) and when I arrived in Lisbon many years ago I attended the “Academia de Amadores de Música” (piano).
I hold a master’s degree in conference interpreting and I am also a certified voice over artist. I am part of three different music projects:
– “Storm Factory”,
– “The Loafing Heroes”,
– “Zephiro Podcast”
Minimalism in Music and Poetry
Master Class led by Giulia Gallina
Minimalism in Music and Poetry through the Eyes of a Composer
The Class will explore a possible connection that exists between some of the main exponents of minimalist music and a few selected poems from the Greek, Latin and Italian tradition evoking immediate and sensory images.
Description of activities: In our journey we will seek to examine how the works of Philip Glass and Arvo Pärt, passing through Michael Nyman, Yann Tiersen and Ludovico Einaudi, can inspire the creative process and how they can be related to the readings of Sappho’s fragments, Catullus’ labor limae and Ungaretti’s hermeticism in the perception of a composer.
We will also understand how nature can play an important role in new minimalist compositions by adventuring outdoors, listening to and recording some of the island’s sounds to be used in our creations.
The participants will be given the opportunity to compose their own music or verses following the minimalist approach and will be encouraged to work together in this respect under the guidance of the instructor.
The class will end with participation in the International Events under the project ‘’Global Musician’’ taking place 20th -22nd of August in the Island Kefalonia.
Class Instructed by : Giulia Gallina
Organizer: Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture,
Location: The Greek Island Kefalonia
Venues: a. The Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture , b. Drogarati Cave(for a concert), c. Open air theater (for the final concert/ Global Musician)
Dates: August 17th -22th 2022
Deadlines for group applications: July 25th 2022
Deadlines for personal applications: July 30th 2022
Eligibility: Eligible are All disciplines and interdisciplinary projects in Arts, Sciences and Technologies with focus to music. Education and Research projects personal of collective, Academic projects, Schools, Colleges, Conservatories, Universities and in Arts, involved Institutions.
Languages: All languages are welcome (The English language is suggested for the submissions).
Application: web application:
Email application:
Contact & Information (submissions, fees, grants info):
Program Information:
The Location: Kephalonia Island, the place where the Easter and Western Music co-exist.
The Class Instructor: Giulia Gallina (musician/composer)
‘’ I am an Italian musician/composer living in Lisbon. I have been studying music since I was 7 years old (piano, violin, singing) and when I arrived in Lisbon many years ago I attended the “Academia de Amadores de Música” (piano).
I hold a master’s degree in conference interpreting and I am also a certified voice over artist. I am part of three different music projects:
– “Storm Factory”,
– “The Loafing Heroes”,
– “Zephiro Podcast”
Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture,
Philosophy in the Field of Culture
Master Class led by Harrison Farina
Philosophy in the Field of Culture: Ancient and New Perspectives on Gesture and Production
The Class will explore the role of simple, everyday gestures in art-making through an experimental approach that combines art, agriculture, and philosophy. The theoretical portion of the class will study the Greek conception of art as “techne” through the writings of Hesiod, Aristotle, and Theophrastus, philosophers who connected the natural world with social life.
Description of activities:
Welcome dinner and introduction about the island and its history will take place.
Readings by Hesiod, Aristotle and Theophrastus will be sent to participants in advance.
Our activities will take place in and around the Ionion Center but also in the most appropriate sites for the program. We will read and discuss philosophy in the evening or morning and make art in the afternoon; some days we will take our readings with us to a specific site, like the Sami Ancient Palace Walls, the Saint Fanentes Monastery, the Castle of Saint Georgιο and the ancient Mycenaean cemetery. Every day we will enjoy the beach, and other areas within walking-distance of the Ionion Center.
We will pursue the conditions of philosophy as the conditions of life, attending to the convergence of natural and creative production through the importance of nourishment in the possibility of philosophical discussion. During a day-long excursion we will explore agricultural practices and learn an ancient technique for grafting plants and explore the ways agricultural and culinary arts combine natural and creative production. Participants will master the technique for grafting plants – essentially composed of gestures – and attempt to translate these gestures into the artistic context by creating a land-art installation. The day will conclude with a workshop on traditional Greek cooking with the locals, allowing participants to see how a traditional meal is prepared with homemade materials and learn the skills of preparation — whether it is cheese, bread, meats, salad, or vegetable dishes. Access to the mountains with guidance about collecting herbs will be part of the program and approached as a creative practice.
The large cupule-stone outside the Ionion Center will possibly be used in a workshop on making paints. Papers for drawing, painting, and writing will be used. For one evening we will have an open discussion on philosophy with the island community. The Exhibition Hall of the Center will be open for participants to display their work.
The program will be in collaboration with the work of Zaineb Siddiqui about the connection of Ancient Greek Philosophy with Modern Technology and Life.
Class Instructed by: Harrison Farina in collaboration with Zaineb Siddiqui
Guests/Philosophers: Cassie Hill, Delia Popa, Danielle Kutner, Iaan Reynolds, Zaineb Sindiqui.
Organizer: Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture,
Location: The course will take place for one week at the Homeric island of Kefalonia.
Venues: a. The Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture, b. Medieval Castle of Saint Georgio, c. Ancient sites and monuments
Dates: June 26th –July 2nd 2022
Deadlines for applications: June 5th 2022
Eligibility: Eligible are all the fields in Arts, Sciences and Technologies with focus to Philosophy.
Languages: All languages are welcome (The English language is suggested for the submissions).
Application: web application:
Email application:
Contact & Information: (submissions, fees, grants info)
Program Information:
The Location: Greek Island Kephalonia
The Class Instructor: Harrison Farina, Villanova University USA (
Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture,
Cultivating Connections with Our Environment
Master Class led by Pierre Liechner
The Class is a 7 days intense process Finding Common Ground & Connecting the Participants with the Natural & Social Environment of a Greek Island.
Description of activities: Creating art, learning the traditional way of wine making, visiting communities and sites keeping the traditional practices on sustainability, earth worms, gleaning natural materials to create ephemeral art installations for the community.
The class will be culminating to a group exhibition and personal exhibitions of the participants.
Class Instructed by : Pierre Liechner,
Organizer: Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture,
Location: The Greek Island Kefalonia, Village Kapandriti (with the kind support of the Kapandriti Association ‘’Pronnoi’’)
Dates: September 3th -10th 2022
Deadlines for group applications: July 25th 2022
Deadlines for personal applications: July 30th 2022
Eligibility: Eligible are All disciplines and interdisciplinary projects in Arts, Sciences and Technologies, Education and Research. Environmental projects and interests, Sustainability, Biodynamics, Projects personal of collective, Academic projects, Schools, Colleges, Universities and in Arts, Sciences, Environmental Research, Land Art, Land Architecture involved Institutions & Activists.
Languages: All languages are welcome (The English language is suggested for the submissions).
Application: web application:
Email application:
Contact & Information (submissions, fees, grants info):
Program Information:
The Location: Kephalonia Island remains a place of wonder where traditions of ages are alive in the practices of everyday life. The village Kapandriti, located on the mount Ainos remains untouched by the pollution and the contemporary problems as an oasis of authenticity.
We will go back in time to discover the Essence of Nature during a life experience Master Class.
The Class Instructor Pierre Liechner:
‘’ I was born in Romania in 1947 to Hungarian parents who fled to France where I grew up until the age of 13. We then moved to Montreal. Between the Arts and Sciences I first chose science and went to McGill for a Bachelor in Biochemistry. Curious about the mind I pursued research in Neurochemistry and obtained a Masters from the University of Strasbourg in 1969. But the laboratories were too sterile and I decided to become a physician and specialized in psychiatry. After graduating from Queen’s University and a year of research at the University of California in San Diego I started my academic career in Winnipeg at the University of Manitoba in 1978. Since then I occupied several teaching, research, clinical and administrative posts at McGill, Queen’s and now the University of British Columbia. But my increasing frustration with the politicalization and business mentality that has surreptitiously corrupted health care has led me back to question my early decision between the Arts and the Sciences. In 2002 I began on a part time basis, the Bachelor of Fine arts program at The Emily Carr Institute of Arts and Design. I received my BFA in 2007. To date my work has reflected my view of the artist as an observer and commentator on society. I use surprise, paradox and humor in my work to interest the viewers. Both the Arts and the Sciences share in their pursuit of existential meaning. In this, my interest will continue, perhaps bridging the gap between my scientific and artistic careers. I obtained my Masters in Fine Arts from Concordia University in 2011 and I am now beginning my career as a teacher and a practicing artist’’. Pierre Liechner
Instagram: leichnerart
Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture,
“Professional Development and Publishing for Translators”
Instructed by : Dr. Kristina Marie Darling,
Organizer : Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture,
Location : The Greek Island Kefalonia
Dates : JUNE 12th- 18th 2022
Application : is required through e-mail:
Deadlines for application: March 1st 2022 May 25th 2022
Contact and info : contact
Detailed info about the class program:
Detailed info about terms, conditions, enrollment :
The course will walk emerging translators through the basics of publication on both the level of the magazine and the book, as well as grant writing. Questions that we will consider over the course of the semester include:
How does one build an audience for one’s translations before publishing a book? What can one do to make a transition project more appealing to publishers?
How does one research and apply to publishing grants, subventions, and travel funding, and at what stage in the translation process is this appropriate?
What is the relationship between literary citizenship, volunteerism, and professional success and recognition as a translator?
Readings will include translations of classical and contemporary texts, as well as translation theory, literary journals, interviews with editors, and other texts as determined by student interest.
* Special guests to share their professional experience: Mary Jo Bang, Ilya Kaminsky, Diane Goettel, Dong Li, Ariel Francisco
The Location
Kephalonia Island is a Paradise with warm beaches and endless natural beauty and diversity. The enjoyment of the nature the Inspiration, the Mystery and the Miracle will be part of this unique experience.
The Instructor : Dr. Kristina Marie Darling
Author of thirty-six books, which include Look to Your Left: A Feminist Poetics of Spectacle, Stylistic Innovation, Conscious Experience and the Self in Modernist Women’s Poetry, Daylight Has Already Come: Selected Poems 2014 – 2020, Silence in Contemporary Poetry, Silent Refusal: Essays on Contemporary Feminist Poetry, Angel of the North and X Marks the Dress: A Registry (co-written with Carol Guess).
Instructed by : Jennifer Rose ,
Instructed by : Jennifer Rose ,
Organizer : Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture,
Location : Greek Island Kefalonia , Mazarakata Mycenaean Ancient Site
Workshop dates : July 25th-August 2nd 2021
Final performance dates : August 4th and 5th2021
Application : is required through e-mail: /or /
Deadlines for application: June 30th 2021
Contact :
detailed information about the art program:
detailed information about terms, conditions, fees: /or/
Description: The workshop will culminate in a dance theatre performance titled “ MOVE MY BLOOD” inspired by the mythos of the goddess CIRCE. The production takes place at the Ancient MAZARAKATA MYCENAEAN CEMETERY 4 + 5 August 2021.
A 12 day intensive to use the fundamentals of tai- chi, virtuosic contemporary dance techniques as well and expressive theatre games to discover what is naturally contained within our bodies; that of the elements such as air, water, soil, wind and fire. The alchemy of these elements become the medium for your own unique expression. Each day we will work in a different, unique and historic location throughout the island Kefalonia to not only learn the history and geography of the island but to dig and coalesce our bodies with the elements. We practice choreography derived from our research which not only strengthens our bodies but packs the spirit into our flesh. We are challenged to go to the edges of ourselves.
Every participant has the opportunity –in addition to the collective program- to create and perform a personal performance in dates pre-arranged.
* Special guests :
Maija Knapp,,
Isaies Maria Santa Perez, @animal_floor_dance,
Maximilla Lukacs ,
Oliver Lukacs,
They will join us to share their invaluable information and perform in “MOVE MY BLOOD” alongside workshop participants.
*Music and vocals : Evanthia Kagadis, educator, musician , musicologist. She will add the fundamentals of music metrics and phonetic symbols, based on the ancient Greek poetic references to Circe.
Jennifer Rose Bio
Jennifer Rose is an international choreographer, performer, teacher, director and former member of internationally renowned Shen Wei Dance Arts. She has performed at notable venues such as Lincoln Center, Brooklyn Academy of Music, Festival du Cannes and The Olympic Theatre in Beijing. She creates works in collaboration with regional artists and musicians globally, most recently The Mystery of the Bulgarian Voice, to produce highly theatrical and visual dance theatre to ignite cultural dialogue, give power to the unheard voice and liberate the personal experience of freedom.
Her work has been presented at the US Cultural Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia, Cultural Consulate of Andalusia, Spain, Ancient Ruins of Extremadura, Spain, Congress-Legalize Dance, Los, Angeles, CA, multiple venues across Oaxaca, Mexico and various artist residencies around the world. She teaches master classes around the globe based on contemporary forms, theatrical expression and martial arts principals and alternatively offers workshops on Shen Wei’s Natural Body Development Technique. She believes live performance is an opportunity for both performers and audiences to insist on real time transformation, express universal agreements and transcend the art of story-telling.
Application : is required through e-mail: /or /
SOS paradise calling!
Masterclass led by Victoria Vesna & Haytham Nawar
Who can go to vacation in paradise and ignore all the suffering going on above and below the earth, the water and the skies?
Meet a group of renowned artists and scientists to explore, learn think about the planet and come up with creative ways to address the urgent calls from people, animals and the invisible world.
Experience the gorgeous, mythical environment through field trips, lectures, workshops through hands on collaborative projects considering the myriad points of view.
Explore the mountains, gullies, lakes and the Ionian Sea.
SEE from a different perspective the planktons and micro-plastics.
HEAR the sounds of birds, the winds of change and the underwater noise pollution.
FEEL the air and get closer to your intuitive sensing.
TASTE the sea and the food that we will cook together and eat in community.
VICTORIA VESNA, Ph.D.:Artist, Professor, Design Media Arts, founder and Director of UCLA Art Sci center, Visiting Professor at Empowerment Informatics Program, University of Tsukuba, Japan and Interface Cultures, University of Linz, Austria. Active since the early 1980s, she created early Internet art works and developed many projects in long term collaborations with scientists.
HAYTHAM NAWAR, Ph.D:Artist, designer, researcher, Assistant Professor and Director of the Graphic Design program, Department of the Arts at the American University in Cairo. Founder and Director of the Cairotronica, Cairo Electronic, and New Media Arts Festival.
Dates July 14-28, 2019
Location Kefalonia Island, Greece
Venue Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture
Deadline for applications: June 30th 2019
Capacity 15 participants
Artists from all disciplines, scientists, researchers, philosophers, environmentalists, Minds seeking deeper meaning and connection between Creative Practice, Life and the World.
If interested to know more details on general info, terms, conditions, fees, documentation, personal support, kindly email: OR
The Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture operates in a Global environment in the fields of Higher Education, Arts and Research. The International Strategy of the Institution in accordance to its Establishment Act, is embracing the Globalization needs of the Academic and Art’s World. Knowledge, Academic Research and Innovation in across borders model constitutes the core program of the Institution.
Come to Create, Present, Perform
Ancient Greek Theatre: The experience and importance of the theatrical performance
Master Class , Instructed by Christos Dimoulas : Archaeologist, Art Historian, Researcher in Social Psychology.
Contemporary Vision on the Ancient Drama, Creation & Performance. Poetry, Scenography, Acting, Social Impact and Interaction, Aesthetics.
Eligibility: Open to All with focus to Theatre and Performing Art’s Schools, Social Sciences and Humanities, researchers, educators, students, actors, artists all disciplines , directors, costume designers, scenery designers, authors, poets, film makers, philosophers, theatre practitioners – seeking deeper meaning and connection in their creative practice.
The Masterclass will focus on topics such as:
– What was theatrical performance for at the time of its creation?
– Understanding the medium of theatre through all participants and procedures involved in creating, putting on and experiencing an ancient play.
– The importance and contribution of the Theatre in the development of Athens as a city-state and hence in World History.
– Ancient Greek Theater & Global Theatre
– The experience of tragedy in performance through the eyes of the participants and the audience.
The participants are invited also to a series of individual and group encounters to present or perform works of their own art form, such as:
a. Perform their own theatrical works at the Ionion Center or at the Ancient Sites of the Island Kefalonia
b. Exhibit or present works related to the theme(costumes, masks, paintings, drawings, scenography etc.)
Dates: August 18th -24th 2019
Location: Greek Island Kefalonia
Venue: Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture and Ancient Sites of the Island Kefalonia
Opening date for applications: March 28th 2019
Deadline for applications: July 15th 2019
Deadline for completion of submissions/final participations: 5 days after the deadline
Application by e-mail : or
Academic support
Information, terms, conditions, fees : or
Modern Projections inspired by the Ancient World.
The Cathartic Narrative – Art as a Restorative force
Master Class, Exhibition and Performance
Instructed/Curated by Vicky Yiannoutsos
Dates : June 25th – July 1st , 2019
Location: Island Kefalonia, Greece
Venue : Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture & Ancient sites in Kefalonia.
Opening date for applications: March 28th, 2019
Deadline for applications: June 5th, 2019
Deadline for completion of submissions/final participations: 5 days after the deadlines
Eligibility : Stimulated by the richness and wisdom of the Ancient Greek World, this master class will appeal to researchers -creative artists – writers, film makers, poets, actors, story tellers, directors, philosophers, theatre practitioners – seeking deeper meaning and connection in their creative practice.
Application by e-mail : /or/
Academic support : (Vicky Yiannoutsos)
Information, terms, conditions , fees :
What does the ancient world have to teach us?The Cathartic Narrative – Art as a Restorative force.
Catharsis; A purgation, purification, or clarification which comes from encountering and experiencing transformative emotional and personal connections through Art that result in renewal and restoration.
On the island of Kefalonia, participants will be invited on a series of individual and group encounters with the landscape, ancient sites, people, history and stories, to stimulate individual and collective responses and projections from their own artistic field.
Free to create individually or collaborate on collective projects, artists will have the opportunity to exhibit and perform their work at the Ionion Centre for Arts and Culture.
The Master class Instructor Vicky Yiannoutsos
Vicky Yiannoutsos is an award-winning director in theatre and film who has worked for 35 years in the film industry as a producer, director, writer and acting coach. She currently teaches screen acting to actors, writers and directors at the Performing and Screen Arts Screen Acting program at UNITEC in Auckland, New Zealand.
As an NZ born Greek artist, Vicky’s expression of her roots are at the core of many projects, which include writer/director on the internationally screened documentary Visible Passage, writer of the feature film script Kore, and assorted stories and poems. Her multi-media installation exhibition ‘Persephone’s Plight – The Four Seasons of Migration’ was mounted for Moving Image Centre in Auckland, New Zealand in 2010 and in 2012 was invited to the Kefalonia International Arts Festival, in Greece. It’s thematic motif of birth, separation, yearning and return continues to emerge in her work, as an archetypal template.
The Four Seasons of Migration: Birth, Separation, Yearning, Return

A metaphor for the migrant experience within the myth.
“I carry two cultures, two languages, two worlds
I belong to both, I belong to neither
I am Persephone
Destined forever to journey between them”
Master Class, Exhibition and Performance
Instructed/Curated by Vicky Yiannoutsos.
Dates : August 25th – 31th 2019
Location: Island Kefalonia, Greece
Venue : Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture & Ancient sites in Kefalonia.
Opening date for applications: March 28th , 2019
Deadline for applications: July 25th, 2019
Deadline for completion of submissions/final participations: August 3th, 2019
Eligibility : Stimulated by the richness and wisdom of the Ancient Greek World, this master class will appeal to researchers -creative artists – writers, film makers, poets, actors, story tellers, directors, philosophers, theatre practitioners – seeking deeper meaning and connection in their creative practice.
Application by e-mail : /or/
Academic support : (Vicky Yiannoutsos)
Information, terms, conditions, fees :
Invisible Languages ,Attentiveness of the Scent
Comprehension of Culture through Olfactory Art.
International Art and Research Workshop instructed by Ellen Petruzzella.
Time : May-June 2019
1st Session: May 2nd- 9th
2nd Session : June 20-27th
Location : Greek Island Kefalonia
Venue : Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture ,
Applications :
Deadlines for applications: 1st session, April 15th 2019
2nd Session May 30th 2019
Terms/Conditions : /or/
Contact &Information: /or/
Eligibility : The International Open Call is addressed to All with focus to artists & designers all disciplines, anthropologists, scientists, writers, wellness professionals, filmmakers, writers, photographers.
The Class Explores the possibilities of preserving and sharing cultural memories of place, time, and experience in different creative ways through plant-based ingredients in olfactory-focused artwork, answer to the globalization influences using uniformity in manufactured scents.
The Greek Island Kefalonia during Spring 2019 is ideal and inspiring location to communicate this awareness across boundaries of time, language and geography, and through the intersection of art, archaeology, science and mythology.
Twisted Oyster Film Festival 2019 & New Media Art /Master class
Title: Vital Signs: 34.5531° N, 18.0480° E
Twisted Oyster to Open in Greece
For 2019 Twisted Oyster will continue its focus on the environment and the impact of climate change in Nature, Economy, Health, Migrations and all of Humanity.
DATES : May 3th-11th 2019
MASTER CLASS DATES : May 3th -9th 2019
LOCATION :Kefalonia Island, Greece
ELIGIBILITY: Open to all, all disciplines with focus to Film, Photography, Art installation and Media Art
DEADLINES :Open , no deadline
For 2019 Twisted Oyster will continue its focus on the environment and the impact of climate change in Nature, Economy, Health, Migrations and all of Humanity. The festival will be a platform to drive awareness with an impactful exhibition that brings forward short and feature films to be included in the festival’s special edition in Greece. As it did last year, Twisted Oyster will present films and new media productions reflecting on the ongoing environmental crisis, the delicate state of the planet. We seek productions focusing on its magnificent beauty and paralleled decay through documentary, fiction, animation, virtual and augmented realities, installation, performance, sound and video art.
Twisted Oyster Film Festival aims to raise awareness and expand knowledge about the human condition as a whole. The works created by culturally diverse artists and filmmakers from around the world open doors artwork that speaks about global social issues today. The festival presents an annually themed-based film and new media art exhibition that showcases and promotes the works of both aspiring and established professionals. The goal of the festival is to bridge culture, society and technology through powerful content programming, while focusing on engagement, enhancing access, and shedding light on contemporary issues.
Contact :
Master class info & applications
MIGRATION SEAS Class led by Salma Zulfiqar
May 12th –May 18th 2018
‘’The Seas are vehicles for building understanding and peace between communities around the World. The Seas are a vehicle for transporting and connecting people and cultures. They allow people to experience and immerse themselves in different cultures so that we can learn from one another and learn to live with one another in peace,’’ Salma Zulfiqar
AUGUST 16th– 30th 2018
MAY 4th-MAY 11th 2018
MAY 13th- JUNE 9th 2018
JULY 25th -31st ,2017
JUNE 26 JULY 2 2017,A 7 days Master Class exploring experimental models enhancing our awareness to space, led by TRIANGULAR PROJECT
Sandra Volny :
Florine Leoni :
Macarena Ruiz-Tagle : http://
CRAIG DONGOSKI ” 2017 Master Class In Art and Technology – Craig Dongoski”
JOHN HUGHES ”Quantum Landscapes, Animation Space and Consciousness of the Frame – John Hughes” Master Class
SCOTT TOWNSEND ”Expanded Social Documentary: Strategies, Techniques & Experimental Forms – Scott Townsend” Master Class
‘’Concert Acqui Memory’’Danilo De Luca &Andreas Zafiropoulos
MIGRATION SEAS Class led by Salma Zulfiqar
‘’The Seas are vehicles for building understanding and peace between communities around the World. The Seas are a vehicle for transporting and connecting people and cultures. They allow people to experience and immerse themselves in different cultures so that we can learn from one another and learn to live with one another in peace,’’ Salma Zulfiqar
British artist & Activist, Salma Zulfiqar, will hold an exploratory creative workshop on the relationship between Migration and the SEAS.
Participants will identify strands they would like to document through art and will be invited to create artwork in the form of paintings, films, videos or photography on the issue of Migration and the Seas.
Participants will brainstorm and discuss current issues related to Migration and the SEAS. What Migration means to all taking part and how this can be interpreted into different forms of creative communication and artwork through a creative storyboarding process. The creative sessions will also explore the impact art can have in raising awareness of an issue such as migration and also how art as a whole can help build prosperous & tolerant societies around the world.
LOCATION : Greek Island Kefalonia
VENUE : Greek Island Kefalonia at the Iakovateios Library ,town of Lixouri & Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture
DATES : May 12th –May 18th 2018
EVENT May 16th, International Day of Living Together in Peace
ELIGIBILITY: Open to all, all disciplines with focus to Film, Photography, Painting
DEADLINES: April 25th 2018
Application information
Web Application form :
Email Application :
Contact & Fees :
”CHANNELING LANGUAGE” Master class led by Iman Person
”CHANNELING LANGUAGE” Master class led by Iman Person
Channeling Language Kefalonia.
TIME : August 16th– 30th 2018
VENUE : Ionion Center for the Arts &Culture, Greek Island Kefalonia
ELIGIBILITY : Visual/sound artists, designers, photographers, herbalists, performers artists, linguists, digital artists, coders, sound artists, writers, and botanists.