VIENNA FORRESTER: Fragmented Myths and Memories

                                                    Fragmented Myths and Memories

                                  A Fractal Exploration of Kefalonia


Lincolnshire artist Vienna Forrester will be exhibiting her digital fractal art at the Ionion Center for Arts and Culture from the 16th to the 30th September 2014.  The official opening of the exhibition will be on the 20th September , 20.00 pm

Vienna ‘s work has been described as ‘stunning’, ‘vivid and attention grabbing’ and ‘beautiful, mysterious and metamorphic’.  Her unusual approach to image making results in vigorous, explosive colour formations.  Using latitude, longitude and the time/date stamp from her digital photographs as integers, she produces fractals which are further manipulated to represent aspects of place.  The resultant art has an ethereal, luminescent quality which is ideally suited to being displayed using the latest electroluminescent technology.  What evolves is a fusion of two distinctly differing fields – the absolute rules of the fractal algorithm and the imagination of the artist.

The Title IO refers to the Priestess Io of Greek mythology -The Ionian Sea is said to be named after her.  The IO logo represents the universal symbol used on electrical devices for power on/off – being the binary digits 1 and 0.

The theme of the exhibition is based around the seismic nature of Kefalonia and the stone and rocks that were displaced, built, ruined and rebuilt over generations.  From tiny pebbles on a beach to the mighty Mount Ainos; Roman villas decorated with mosaics, to stone quarried and used for houses, many of which still lie abandoned after the devastating earthquake of 1953.

“My interest in and observation of patterns in the natural world led to my work with fractals, and the evolution of technology based art using PC’s, Tablets and digital cameras opened up a wealth of ideas.


My exhibition, funded by Arts Council England, the National Lottery and North Lincolnshire Council, seeks to celebrate the enduring nature and beauty of this ‘Stone Kingdom’ that is the beautiful island of Kefalonia.

I am thrilled to be given this opportunity to exhibit my work at the Ionion Center for Arts and Culture”.


Vienna Forrester


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