






Organiser: The I-Node of the Planetary Collegium


  • Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture (April 2015)
  • Art Athina, Athens International Art Fair (June 2015)

Submission deadline: Monday, March 2, 2015

Eligibility : high-quality research posters with the syncretic approach in Art, Science and Technology.

Exhibition Dates:

  • 23 April – 8 May 2015
  • 4-7 June 2015

Poster Chair:

Katerina Karoussos, Director of the I-Node, Planetary Collegium


Selection Committee:

Roy Ascott, President of the Planetary Collegium, Planetary Collegium


 Elif Ayiter, Director of Studies of the I-Node, Planetary Collegium


 Francesco Monico, Director of Studies of T-Node, Planetary Collegium



Jane Grant,      Pier Luigi Capucci,     Khaled  Hafez,    Law Alsobrook,     Alejandro Quinteros,   Juliette Yuan,     Diane  Derr,     Benjamin Pothier,      Paola  Lopreiato,    Mike Phillips

Giorgos Papakonstantinou,       Seth Riskin,     Mujin Bao,      Andrea Traldi

Alex Barchiesi,       Adam Zaretski,      Lila Moore,      Regina Durig


The final list of accepted posters for Next Nature includes two categories of posters:

Accepted posters, which their authors are members of the Planetary Collegium (PC1 – PC2) and

Open Call posters which will be selected from the submissions received in response to the open Call for Posters.

A selection of 30 entries from the open call posters together with the accepted posters will be exhibited  at the Ionion Center of Arts and Culture on the island of Kefalonia, Greece (ICAC) in April 2015.

During the exhibition, 25 posters from all the categories  will be selected to be exhibited at the Athens International Art Fair (Art-Athina) on July 2015.

We are soliciting high-quality research posters with the syncretic approach in Art, Science and Technology. Posters must include original work that is unpublished or published after August 1, 2014. Posters are intended to convey a syncretic approach to “Next Nature” theme.



In 1863 Jules-Antoine Castagnary announced that: The naturalist school declares that art is the expression of life under all phases and on all levels, and that its sole aim is to reproduce nature by carrying it to its maximum power and intensity: it is truth balanced with science 1. One of the most illustrated examples of naturalism is “The meeting”, an 1854 painting by Gustave Courbet, which has been interpreted as depicting Courbet greeted by his patron Bryas, his servant Calas and his dog, while travelling to Montpellier. The Meeting was exhibited in Paris at the 1855 Exhibition Universelle, where critics ridiculed it as “Bonjour, Monsieur Courbet”. The composition is based on Doré’s “The Wandering Jew2. Courbet, one of the major representatives of naturalism, has represented himself in the image of a wanderer, without a definite context, as one would expect of expect of a naturalistic painter. Did Courbet interpret Castagnary’s words ‘carrying it [nature] to its maximum power and intensity’ as a process of metaphor, fluidity, multiplicity and metamorphosis?


Nowadays, and after 160 years of Courbet’s naturalistic metamorphoses, we assume that we have embedded the ‘truth balanced with science’, as art work is based on transidisciplinary research through a variety of syncretic approach. In an era when, according to Roy Ascott, the ‘three VRs –virtual, validated and vegetal ‘merge into a continuous flow of ‘variable reality’, it is the right moment for a future anterior step which will lead to the awareness of the Next Nature.


And, as Ascott argues: “This means, of course, not an inert, passive or genetically programmed participation but a conscious involvement in the evolution of those forms and  emergent behaviours which we identify with life and which, as our powers of intelligent collaboration and participation increase, will come to constitute the new nature”3.


Katerina Karoussos


  1. Needham, Gerald, “Naturalism.” Grove Art Online. Oxford Art Online. Oxford University Press


  1. Linda Nochlin, Gustave Courbet’s Meeting: A Portrait of the Artist as a Wandering Jew Art Bulletin vol 49 No 3 (September 1967)


  1. Ascott, Roy, “Back to Nature II- Art and Technology in the 21st century” 1st publication, 1993. Fedrowitz, eds. Kultur und Technik im 21.Jahrhundert. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, pp. 341-355. Culture and Technology in the 21st. Century Wissenschaftszentrum Nordrhein-Westfalen. 2nd publication 2013, More & Vita-More, The Transhumanist Reader. NY Wiley. Pp 438-448.




 The I-Node of the Planetary Collegium invites transdisciplinary artists /researchers to apply for the upcoming poster exhibition addressing the theme of “Next Nature”.


The final list of accepted posters for Next Nature includes two categories of posters: accepted posters, which their authors are members of the Planetary Collegium (PC),

and open call posters which will be selected from the submissions received in response to the open Call for Posters.

  • A selection of 30 entries from the open call posters will be exhibited as part of the Planetary Collegium poster exhibition “Next Nature’’ which will be held at the Ionion Center of Arts and Culture on the island of Kefalonia, Greece (ICAC) in April 2015.
  • During the exhibition, 25 posters from all the categories will be selected to be exhibited at the Athens International Art Fair (Art-Athina) on July 2015.


We are soliciting high-quality research posters with the syncretic approach in Art, Science and Technology. Posters must include original work that is unpublished or published after August 1, 2014. Posters are intended to convey a syncretic approach to “Next Nature” theme and should not include advertisements for commercial reasons.

A poster that is judged by the selection committee to be an advertisement will be subject to removal without notice.



The Selection Committee will select two individuals to be awarded with the Juror’s Choice Awards.


  • 1st prize: One grant (€ 800) exclusively for a PhD research at the I-Node of the Planetary Collegium


  • 2nd prize: Free art-in residence (max 30 days, including personal exhibition/performance or presentation) at the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture (travel expenses are not included)


Planetary Collegium members (faculty and researchers) are excluded from the award competition. Works previously displayed in Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture are also ineligible.


  1. Open Call Posters will be required to pay a poster fee of €50 for early poster submissions.
  2. Accepted Posters from PC authors who are currently in their research updates will be eligible to submit a poster without a fee, providing their Plymouth University ID number, as part of their research session.
  3. Accepted Posters from PC authors who are currently in their writing-up stage or have already awarded with the PhD title can submit their posters with a poster fee of €30.
  4. Posters submitted after the deadline, and in any case prior to the Selection Committee meeting, will be considered as Late Poster Submissions and will require a non-refundable

All entry fees are non refundable


  • Submission deadline: Monday, March 2, 2015
  • Notification by email of accepted works: Friday, March 28, 2015
  • Opening Reception: Thursday, April 23, 2015 (8:00 pm)
  • Exhibition dates: April 24 – May 8, 2015

4-7 June, 2015



Application form and a poster daft should be sent to ionionode@gmail.com until the deadline.

Download the application form from the web site www.i-node.org

Files should be in PDF format, A3 (29,7 × 42 cm) maximum 5 Mb / 200 dpi in CMYK colour mode. Before sending, save the file as <name-surname.pdf>

The subject of the e-mail should be read as <surname-nextculture>.

Selected participants will be asked to submit a new file in size A0.



Incomplete entries will not be considered. A complete entry form consists of the following:

  1. Application form
  2. Draft poster in PDF
  3. Proof of deposit from Pay Pal Online payment service



  • Selected participants are welcome to be present to follow the program /or/ the reception day at the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture (ICAC) . The I-Node of the Planetary Colegium does not cover accommodation or travel expenses. If selected participants wish to participate to the events, ICAC can provide discounts for bookings at a partner hotel and additional support for a vist/ or /residency at the Center during late April/ May / June. (info upon request).
  • Posters will remain in the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture.Participants who will request the delivery of their physical posters –after June 10, 2015- are responsible for the transport costs insurance/safety issues.
  • A selection of posters will be published on the I-Node’s web site, or otherwise the author has to state his/her disagreement in the Application Form.


For questions or additional information, please contact the Poster Chair, Katerina Karoussos at inode.karoussos@gmail.com


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