100_0036 (2)Peter Toy : “The philosophy guiding my work is with establishing questions in relation to contemporary global dilemmas. For example; Is Nature interested in the continued survival of human kind. And also, Is God Dead. This way of working reinforces my belief that, in Art and Philosophy, questions are more important than answers.”

I am a Visual and Performance Artist with three decades experience as a practitioner and educator.
A recent project. presently in production, is the Photo book – “The Character of Katoomba” – (portraits of Katoomba personalities). I also give Professional Development workshops to Schools and Community groups on Camera use, Photographic technique and Photo-editing.

I am actively involved in Performance Art and Video Art production, the most recent being; “Is God Dead” (2011-2015), which is to be performed and exhibited at Maumau in Istanbul, Turkey in 2015 and at the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture ,Kefalonia, Greece.
Is God Dead. (2011 – 2015).
The project begins in Sydney, Australia as performance art where I walk the streets with a sign attached to my back which reads – Is God Dead.
The project, overall, is about a cycle; beginning with the statement and continuing as a video installation, with scattered words, where one is asked to pick-up a small piece of paper which reads – Is God Dead. The work is in two parts; the performative text and the video. The video could be said to be anti-photography because it is has no subject and has little regard for framing. I call this technique of documenting freeflowingvisuals; where a hidden and unrestrained camera, (on the performer’s body), documents the performers world. In this case the streets of Sydney. This is not photo-documentation but rather a para photo-document, a space/time fragment in digital form.
A portfolio of my Performance and Video production, also known as Freeflowingvisuals, can be seen on my Vimeo Page:


art performance του Peter William Toy‘’Is God Dead?’’
Saturday October 24 – 2015 – 19.00 p.m
Invitation to attend Peter William Toy in his art performance ‘’Is God Dead?’’
Τhe Artist using the everyday objects and customs of the here and now in his live performance looks at how eternal questions are dealt with in the routine of everyday life and questions if we really have time for this kind of thinking.



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