Category Archives: Archives

Masterpieces of the Oral and Indangible Heritage of Humanity/ Indonesian Batik

ORGANIZER : Department of Information, Social and Culture, Embassy of Indonesia in Athens, in cooperation with Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture, Kefalonia, part of the 2015 International Art’s Program under the title :
VENUE:The Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture, Greek Island Kefalonia.
ELIGIBILITY : Inviting participants from the islands Kefalonia /Ithaca and all over the World .
Acceptable individuals or groups, amateurs or experts, schools, students and artists.
Sessions will be organized in specified classes, based on the experience ,age, art experience requirements of the participants.
INSTRUCTORS : Professionals in the Art of Indonesian Batik- staff of the Indonesian Embassy in Athens.
THEME: Basic Batik Techniques: Theory and Practice.
TIME : JUNE 2015 (June 9th to June11th )
PROGRAM/ DETAILS: The program includes two parts:
1. introduction/ on screen presentation of the Indonesian Art of BATIK
2. practice.
Each day session will be a complete program including theory and practice.
Morning program 09.00 am – 13.00pm, Evening program 17.00 pm – 21.00
[Included coffee breaks ]
ENROLMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS : application for participation
– by phone call at +30 26710 41126
– by email,
– by web application at the web -address:
APPLICATION FEES: euro 10, to be fully offered to the Orphanage house of the Island Kefalonia. Schools participations are acceptable free of fee.
TUITION FEES : The workshop is kindly offered free of tuition fees to Kefalonia, Ithaca and the International Art’s Community by the Indonesian Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Athens.
MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT : Kindly offered free by the Indonesian Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Athens



Indonesian batik is a traditional handcrafted textile rich in intangible cultural values, passed down for generations in Java and elsewhere since the early 19th century, and more widely since the mid 1980s. Batik patterns and motifs process deep symbolism related to social status, local community, nature, history and cultural heritage.
In October 2009, UNESCO designated Indonesian batik as a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.

1. Canting
2. Wax
3. Small Wok
4. Small stove
5. Cotton material cloth
6. Wood ring
7. Cotton buds
8. Colors
9. Bucket
10. Gloves


Batik is made by applying dots and lines of hot wax to cloth using a copper pen-like instrument (canting tulis). The wax is later removed by boiling and/or scraping, repeating the process for each color. The entire process is carried out by hand, mostly as cottage industry.

Step 1 Waxing

Apply the wax over the penciled-in outline of the pattern. In general, the original cloth is white or beige.

Step 2 Coloring

Coloring cloth in the area of the cloth where the wax was not applied, using cotton buds or the cloth is dyed in the watering color. In this case, after the cloth is dry we apply a water glass to keep the color. The area of the cloth where the wax was applied, in Step 1 will remain white.

Step 3 Drying

After the cloth dry, the wax removed by boiling.

Organized by:
Department of Information, Social and Culture, Embassy of Indonesia in Athens, in cooperation with Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture, Kefalonia.


Networked Rites and the Quest for Morphic Fields of Compassion/Masterclass/Dr. Lila Moore

Dr. Lila Moore

ARA (Advanced Research Associate) at the Planetary Collegium,
The I-Node, School of Art & Media, University of Plymouth,

wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Networked-Rites_web.png”>Networked Rites_web

Networked Rites and the Quest for Morphic Fields of Compassion Masterclass
Ritualistic Art, the Collective Mind as Creative Artist, and the Serpentine Cosmic DNA Dance of Evolution and Emergence 11-16 August, 2015
at The Ionion Center for Arts and Culture, Kefalonia, Greece
in conjunction with the local feast of the Holy Snakes of Mary

Led by Dr Lila Moore – Advanced Research Associate at the I-Node of Planetary Collegium, Plymouth University, deviser of The Cybernetic Institute for the Exploration of Technoetic Arts and Consciousness

The Masterclass explores the shamanic and cybernetic systems of rituals that sustain transformation, and the impact of ritualistic art forms. Divided into groups, the participants engage with the island’s geographical body, serpent mythology and ceremony through daily ritual protocol and feedback. Immersion in 5 unique channels/holons of vision, sound, text, movement and intention/compassion culminates in the discovery of the group-mind’s creative DNA which is then embedded in a morphic field via networked rite.
The outcome generates compassionate interpersonal-relations and social connectivity, cultural awareness of ritual practice, amplified creativity and flexibility, and a process of study that triggers new expressions and knowledge of self/identity, world/realities, field consciousness and the embodiment of the mind.
Final Product is a digital entity entitled “Morphic Field of Compassion”, embedded with group-mind DNA and field consciousness, which could be re-activated via repeated rituals.
The Masterclasss is designed for artists, researchers, students, individuals and groups involved or interested in the creative fields and in the integration of art, science, technology and consciousness research.
Certificate of Participation will be provided upon completion of the workshop as an acknowledgement of the process undertaken. It will be issued by Dr Lila Moore/The Cybernetic Institute for the Exploration of Technoetic Arts and Consciousness.
The Masterclass is for 5 days, arrival day is on 11th August.
Participation fee is euro 447 (tax and registration fee included), also includes full housing accommodation, breakfast and one local traditional hot meal (lunch, vegetarian or meat according to request). Travelling, insurance, leisure and local transportation expenses are not included.
For application form, please e-mail: or
Please send us your application form as soon as possible to speed-up our screening process and ensure your participation. Only 13-15 participants can be accommodated. For those requiring privacy, hotel accommodation may be arranged. Please contact the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture as soon as possible to secure the best deals on local hotels and all accommodation arrangements.
Deadline: 31st July
Registered applicants will receive the Masterclass full programme and timetable.
For more information, see Masterclass website:
or Dr Lila Moore website:


I-Node- Planetary Collegium /NEXT NATURE / juried poster exhibition/Yonlay Cabrera Quindemil

Yonlay Cabrera Quindemil
Faculty of Artes y Letras, Cuba

Voigth-kampff (2015)

Taken into account the importance of the relation between the ideological patterns and the social groups in our human nature, the
work tries to measure the involuntary ocular changes that take place in a group of persons, segmented in Ideological Apparatus of
States. To do that they are asked some questions that put into crisis the values they represent, in order to determinate the level of
automation they have according to the ideology they reproduce.
– Test made by Rick Deckard in the movie Blade Runner (after
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philliph K. Dick) for detecting robots.
–Segmentation in mechanisms named Ideological Apparatus of States by Louis Althusser.
Measuring the level of automation in a group of persons segmented in Ideological Apparatus of States.
Inductive-deductive, Phenomenology, Ethnomethodology.


I-Node- Planetary Collegium /NEXT NATURE / juried poster exhibition/Maria Dimas

Maria Dimas
MA in Art Philosophy, Portsmouth University

Promytheus Unthanked (2015)

At the turn of an age the Titans lost the rule upon the cosmos to Zeus and his siblings. One of the titans, Promytheus, had tried to advise to his own kind that technology would earn them victory rather than honest might and power, but, they dismissed it as folly. So, Promytheus sided with Zeus and directed his offensive with techniques and innovative methods.
The new order had Zeus as leader and ruler and among his world reforms he would have human kind erased. Promytheus thought otherwise. He first gave man the advantage over the fear of death by giving them ‘blind hope’. Fire and her illumination were signifier gift that pertains to the collective of mechanical, structural, scientific, logical thought. He even instructed the most effective sacrificing rituals and methods so as to best appease the Gods. Zeus remained idle to the reinstatement of the human race -almost aloof- but, punishes Promytheus so rigourously as to make and example.
A syncretic approach to Next Nature is the disclosure of Promytheus and his advent in our turn of an age. In our passing into this, Next Nature. Yet, thanks is not given here; Promytheus remains unthanked.
A ficus on a square, his voluptous bark and branches, and a small boy perched up them. The reach of the image is both skyward, and rooted to the ground. The warning tape surrounding it hints to the toxicity of human arrogance. A turntable head a miniscule crossroads of art, science, and technology. Music, friction, electronic device. The syllables separated offer eclectic readings of the poster.
