Category Archives: Workshops

Autumn Patricia Ahn, Exhibition and Workshop Announcement

"Carousel" photos from the 4 sides of Ahn's outdoor sculptural installation.
"Carousel" photos from the 4 sides of Ahn's outdoor sculptural installation

 Autumn Patricia Ahn, Exhibition and Workshop Announcement

Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture

September – October 2011

Autumn Patricia Ahn is an artist from Boston, MA, USA. She focuses on creating large-scale installations that utilize the architecture and localized narratives of a site. Her environments are often seen as shrines commemorating the influence of the communities surrounding her immediate physical site. Drawing on influences from her cultural immersion in Kefalonia as well as her study of theocratic societies–past, present, and future, she will create a site-specific “shrine” for the Ionian Center for Arts & Culture, aiming to communicate with the viewers through the narrative visual language often found in religious and ritualistic contexts. The installation will be on view & open to the public while it is in progress (on select days) and for the two-day workshop.

Ahn will instruct a class in making a traditional non-glue stitch binding book, using a technique called the “Long Stitch”. From beginning to end, the process will be instructed based on time, counting, and continual motion.

Artist Website

Autumn Ahn

 Photos of Autumn Ahn’s work


Drifters Project, Art Workshop and Installation, Kefalonia 2011

Pam Longobardi - Drifters Project
Pam Longobardi - Drifters Project

The Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture is pleased to announce and welcome Pam Longobardi and Craig Dongoski with the Drifters Project in Kefalonia island, between the 20th of July, and 1st August 2011.

About the Workshop

Pam Longobardi offers a 3-day ocean plastic art/science workshop.

“I will first educate participants about the dangers and problems of plastic pollution, its impact on wildlife, humans and tourism.  We will locate the most plastic-impacted beaches and then perform a beach cleanup. Like forensic scientists and detectives, we will clean, sort and examine all the collected materials to see what we can learn.”

Participants will then assist the artist in the creation of artwork for her exhibition, learning about construction methods, including a large community ‘driftweb’ sculpture.  Sound artist Craig Dongoski will work with participants recording their own stories about plastic, the ocean and the objects collected.  Craig will then create sound sculptures for the exhibition with the participants voices playing throughout the space.

About the Drifters Project

In 2006, Pam Longobardi founded the Drifters Project, an environmental intervention project that documents and exposes the natural cost of the human convenience of plastic by looking at marine debris and its journey around the world oceans. In 2008, she began working with community groups to expand the scale and scope of project to new locales and creating collaborative public art.  She has made dozens of collecting missions to Hawaii, Costa Rica, China and Italy, and US locations, organizing cleanups and community education at each site. She has created community-based projects in the following locations: Beijing, China during the 2008 Olympics with residences of a ‘trash village’; Nicoya, Costa Rica with students of Universidad Nacional, and in Greenville, SC, with high school art students.



Artist’s Website

Pam Longobardi

