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Astrid Kensinger Almkhlaafy //20 in 20 //

Astrid Kensinger Almkhlaafy

Astrid Kensinger Almkhlaafy  is currently assistant professor at Nanyang Technological University’s school of art design and media in visual communication. She holds an MFA from the Rhode Island School of Design and a BA in classical & near eastern archaeology from Bryn Mawr College. She works in the tradition of Somatics, where direct experience and the body are key ingredients in exploring the inner world through physical engagement with location. As an artist much of her understanding of place is through walking and mapping.

 Her current major projects involve investigations of sacred and historically rich sites, examining the process of pilgrimage and methodologies of performing and delineating such actions. Her work has been shown in Asia, America and Europe.

While at the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture, Astrid has been working on a series of studies based on the number 20. She is inspired by Penelope and the theme of waiting. Using GPS, video and photography, she has been mapping distance and time with a focus on repetition, patience, endurance and occasional humor. To wait 20 years is epic. In a series of 20 studies time will explored and Penelope honored.

Τhe works under the title // 20 in 20 // were  exhibited at the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture  16th of July 2013  evening  20.30



 Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture, Metaxata


CHILDREN (ages 5-12) to PARTICIPATE in the


“Do YOU want a ‘PLASTIC’ sea?”

CHILDREN with their PARENTS are invited to MAKE ART,

engage in DRAMATIC PLAY and


with Dianna Cohen (US, Visual Artist, Co-Founder of Plastic Pollution Coalition )

~ Pam Longobardi  (US, Visual Artist, Founder of the Drifters Project)

~ Kalliopi Liossatou (GR, Drama Teacher)


On SATURDAY, JULY 20th, 2013, 7:00pm-8:30pm

at the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture, Metaxata

FREE Entrance

The workshop will be held IN CONJUCTION with the



Pam Longobardi ~ Dianna Cohen ~Sarina Basta

held on FRIDAY, JULY 19th 2013, 8.00 p.m.

at the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture, Metaxata –

Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture, Metaxata,Kefalonia , f/t: 26710 41126,,


map of schools around world,
please join: Cohen

In 2012, we cleaned a massive sea cave of over 3000 pieces of plastic. In 2013, we want to clean an entire port. I’m leading the Rally for Drifters Project Kefalonia, and I think you will be inspir…




Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture

 Invites you in the


Pam Longobardi,   Dianna Cohen,   Sarina Basta


Endless : Ocean of Plastic

an innovative international  academic-artistic research project

collaborating with Evyenia Yannouli  leading the Project A.ShoRE 

Exhibition-Presentation : Friday July 19, 2013,  20.30 pm

at the  Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture

 Drifters Project returns to Kefalonia for its third year and in an academic–research collaboration  with Dr. Evyenia Yannouli’s  Project A.Sho.RE.   Drifters Project founder, artist-academic  Pam Longobardi (US) and team members artist Dianna Cohen (US) and curator Sarina Basta (FR) clean sea caves of plastic pollution while investigating new protocols for collaborative research and education with the underwater -archeological team

 Project  A.Sho.RE.

The new film of this year’s Drifters Project actions by Greek filmmakers Nickos Myrtou and Ioulia Mermigka will be screened.

In conjunction with the exhibition, Dianna Cohen, co-founder of Plastic Pollution Coalition, presents a mural made in collaboration with elementary students in Spain and will lead a workshop for Kefalonian children on Saturday  July 20, 19.00- 20.30 pm

Free entrance


map of schools around world,
please join: Cohen

In 2012, we cleaned a massive sea cave of over 3000 pieces of plastic. In 2013, we want to clean an entire port. I’m leading the Rally for Drifters Project Kefalonia, and I think you will be inspir…


 Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture,Metaxata,28100,Kefalonia, Greece

Information- enrollment :  26710 41126 ,

sponsors: Ionian Galaxy 90.8,    Odysseia 


Ιrina Shuvalova “Glossolalia”.

Iryna Shuvalova is an emerging Ukrainian poet who is said to be one of the most enigmatic representatives of contemporary Ukrainian literature. Her first book of poems “Ran” has gathered some of the country’s most important literary prizes, and her second book “Os” is currently in print. She comes to ICAC to work on her project “Glossolalia”.

Short Biography

Iryna was born in 1986 in Kyiv, where she also earned her two graduate degrees, in Philosophy and Translation; recently she has been awarded the Fulbright scholarship to study for her Master’s degree in Comparative Literature at Dartmouth College in the U.S. Her poetry has been translated into 7 languages, including Greek. Iryna also works as a poetry translator – recently she became a recipient of the international Stephen Spender / Joseph Brodsky prize for poetry translation. She is the member of the National Writers’ Union of Ukraine.


 According to press, Iryna can be considered “possibly the most interesting postmodern poet-mythmaker “. Indeed, her texts are closely connected with mythological topics and archetypes. In fact, many of her poems deal with characters and images taken from the ancient Greek myths. In her verse, Narcissus “is an arrow and an archer a swift and a shaft / and thirty-three veils of the soft flesh”; while addressing Icarus she writes: “You will be pulled from outside / poked from under the shoulder-blades / by the soft memory of wax / this relapse of the birdness”. As one of the literary reviewers has written, Iryna Shuvalova is never lost even in the bright literary surroundings: she stands out due to her extreme sincerity, complete openness and an unforgettable timbre of literary voice”.


 During her three-weeks-long stay at the ICAC, also made possible due to the grant provided by the program “i3” of the ”Development of Ukraine” fund, Iryna is going to work on her literary project “Glossolalia”. The project’s aim is to explore the cross-sections of Greek and Ukrainian languages by means of poetry. Such exploration can, in turn, help to discover the lost shades of words’ meanings or to create the new ones. In a way, it is a return to the roots, because the first borrowings from Greek into Ukrainian date back to the 5-th century B.C. According to the poet herself, for the Western civilization Kefalonia and Ithaca represent a unique geographic and cultural spot – the point of eternal return, which makes ICAC a perfect setting for work on a project such as “Glossolalia”.

Contacts and Further Information



Skype: iryna.shuvalova






Extended Arts 11th – 21st, July 2013

Extended Arts

11th – 21st, July 2013

Syros island, Greece



Announcements – News



International Conference on Extended Arts (XARTS 2013)

From Virtual to Real 

20-21 July, 2013

University of the Aegean, Department of Product and Systems Design Engineering, Syros, Greece

XARTS 2013 web site


Organizing Committee

Panagiotis Kyriakoulakos, University of the Aegean

Panagiotis Koutsabasis, University of the Aegean

Spyros Vosinakis, University of the Aegean

Iannis Zannos, Ionian University

Theodoros Papatheodorou, Athens School of Fine Arts

Conference Chairs

Maurice Benayoun, City University of Hong-Kong

Roy Ascott, Plymouth University

Anne-Marie Duguet, University of Paris 1

From Virtual to Real

The extended use of digital technologies in physical, biological and artificial environments enables artists to design and implement new forms of Art. Scholars from all over the world will explore these extending possibilities during XARTS 2013 Summer School and Conferences taking place in Syros island from 11-21 of July. The Conference From Virtual to Real is part of this Summer School where researchers cooperating with the PLEIAS and the Planetary Collegium Consortia will present their last findings in Extended Arts subjects.

This call for projects is intended to the artistic and scientific communities interested in Extended Arts.

The topics in XARTS 2013 International Conference include but are not confined to the following areas:

*History of Extended Arts

Digital Art was first confined in the research of specificity aiming at defining a domain that would be recognised as such by the artistic community. Very soon however, the artists explored hybrid solutions to integrate digital media in real or artificial spaces, targeting later the seamless integration of Human, Digital and Physical Activities in Holistic and Systemic Environments. We are interested in papers relating the passages from one era to the next, analysing the works of art and the artistic motivations with a critical thought.

*Theory on Extended Arts

Convergence of the New Media with Bioart, 3D Fabrication and Prototyping, Nanotechnology, Physical Computing, is examined in this conference session. Among the disciplines concerned, Cybernetics, Biosemiotics and Radical Constructivism are confronted in a pluridisciplinary approach. We are interested in papers proposing theoretical models explaining such a convergence, examining multiple parameters of this integration process.

*Artistic Practice

Digital Art, Interactive Art, Immersive Art, Open Art. Extended Arts, a lot of terms aiming at describing the artistic practice are proposed by artists and scholars in the field. In this session we expect papers that describe recent art works (from 2000-now) authored by the artists themselves or the producers of their works in a quest of self analysis of the artistic practice, no matter if it takes a distant approach or not.

* Research in progress

Ongoing research from undergraduates, graduates/postgraduates and professionals

Important Dates:

Short Paper (Extended Abstract- 500 words maximum): May 30, 2013

Notification of Short Paper Acceptance /Rejection: June 10, 2013

Paper Submission Date: July 10, 2013

Participant(s) Registration: April 23, 2013 to June 23, 2013

Early Bird Attendee Registration Deadline (Authors and Participants): May 30, 2013

Late Bird Attendee Registration Deadline (Authors only): June 23, 2013

Conference Dates: July 10-11, 2013

Please note that attendees that are not accepted as presenters have to pay registration fees for the Conference (20 euros) or the Summer School (150 euros). Conference Presenters are exempted from Conference fees.

For information, send mail to

The Summer School is supported by the University of the Aegean’s project «The University of the Aegean, the prominent and driving factor for the economic and social growth of the wide Aegean area» of the Operational Programme “Education and Lifelong Learning”, which is co-funded by European Union (European Social Fund) and National Resources.


‘Mediterranean Odyssey’

Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture

in collaboration with Apollonion Resort & Spa and Russian TV Channel ”Amazing Life’ in the frames of  Television Cultural Cycle of programs ‘Mediterranean Odyssey’ presents Friday May 24th 20.30 evening at the ‘Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture’ the 1st Greek- Russian Art Project including painting exhibition of popular Russian Artists with  works  based on the expressions of the natural landscapes of the Kefalonia Island.

TV Channel ‘Amazing life’ and Producer of Television Programs & Special Events of the TV Channel, Mrs Helena Danilenko, will present the concept of the TV Program and the TV Production shoot recently on the Ionian islands in the context of Homeric Odysseus, the Cavafis’s Poetry and the ‘Ithaca of each person’, through which is promoted the ancient and modern culture, and the history of the Ionian islands, focusing on Kefalonia and Ithaca Islands and its tourism potential.

During the presentation will be announced the proposals of the TV channel for the expected actions toward promoting Kefalonia & Ithaca in the Russian market through specific Cultural Events and Television Productions.
