I-Node Planetary Collegium /NEXT NATURE / juried poster exhibition/Regina Durig

Regina Durig
PhD candidate at the Planetary Collegium,T-Node, School of Art & Media, University of Plymouth
Swiss Literature Institute, Berne University of the Arts

Next Nature Next Love (2015)

The writing piece Next Nature Next Love consists of 16 pages from Roland Barthe’s Lover’s Discourse. They are almost completely blackened, only a handful of words is left: one haïku per page. The use of Barthe’s emblematic text as material for new metaphoras for love reflects the current state of my research about love as a concept in Western writing and thinking. What does love explain? Is love always a reference? Is writing about love always constrained? Is it impossible to talk about love? Can love only be realized in fiction? Can love be seen as a heterotopia – existing neither here nor there – between the lines?


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