”Expanded Social Documentary: Strategies, Techniques & Experimental Forms” MASTER CLASS

border_exchangeMASTER  CLASSES 2016

”Expanded Social Documentary: Strategies, Techniques & Experimental Forms”



Concept :  Social Capital Greece:

 Diaspora, Negotiation, Allegiance, Exchanges and Borders.

I have worked with people and communities in southern Europe through several projects and exhibitions. I have conducted workshops, interviews, digital data collection using mapping with participants, etc. to understand how communities perceive the EU and globalization, and their own local community identity. The topics and visual references from this research are the basis for a series of short animations.

There are four themes/animations: Diaspora, Negotiation, Allegiance, Exchanges and Borders.

The installation includes 4-5 interviews, and a collection of common visual symbols that the interviewees referred to. Each participant/interviewee has created their own taxonomy of visual references based on their interview text. Additional boxes containing common visual symbols will be used to help structure and provide common references in additional interviews. The additional interviews and taxonomies may be added to the installation over time.


I am an Associate Professor College of Design/NC State University. In 2002 I began working with site specific/online audiences in project spaces where broad globalization issues were having particular effects on communities. Projects and exhibitions are often part of a greater program of local engagement that also includes workshops, lectures, and other activities connected to the project space. I have exhibited or created projects in over 90 national and international group and solo exhibitions in the Czech Republic, Cuba, Mexico, Canada, Germany, Japan, Iran, Italy, Serbia, and the United States. My articles have appeared in Zed, Statements, Brujula, Art Papers, Visual Communication, Design and Culture, and Design Issues. I am currently an ongoing contributor and co-editor of Design and Culture.

(my bio and cv are here:http://www.imaginarycountry.org/www_09/about.html)

INFORMATION/BLOGS  : http://www.imaginarycountry.org/www_09/greece.html,  


Venue : Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture /Island Kefalonia-Greece

Eligibility: The class is addressed to artists, designers, video artists, photographers, animators or anybody interested developing a new practice.

Time : May  16TH to May 23th 2016/  Opening Date for Applications : January 30th 2016 – no deadline

Details: A 7 day intensive  course provides an introduction to: •History of documentary: ethnographic issues, photography and photo essay •Current practices: video, audio, methods of working with people and place, working with and as a participant •Current practices of collaboration, distribution and advocacy, through digital networking and social media •Class members will be encouraged to find their own unique way of defining their interests and work •Techniques and strategies include camera use and creative effect on form and content, editing techniques and how to tell a story, introduction and application of 2-d design, picture relationships and editing, composition and hierarchy (including writing and typography).

Contact :   sttwn@ncsu.edu,     info@ionionartscenter.gr

  Applications :    http://goo.gl/forms/q2f8aD9uzk
