Environmental Science

Environmental Science

A New Culture Model confronting the major environmental problems of the Planet is addressed to the interested educational institutions, activists, artists, researchers, volunteers, scientists World wide.

The International Program of the Ionion Center, focusing on the environmental problems of the Planet, offers advanced academic and research platforms  in both the Educational and Artistic sectors,  based on issues such as:  Environmental Earth Systems, Sustainability & Development, Environmental Crisis,  Climate Change , Global Pollution, Recycling, Resource Management, Environmental Health Issues, Plants and Animals,  Ecosystems & Sustainable Practices, Ecosystems & Economic – Social Development, Ecological Restoration-Conservation,  Maintenance in Landscapes & Seascapes, Energy ,  Water Use & Resources, Coastal /Seas /Oceans Sustainability, Biodiversity, Seeds Issues, Agriculture/ Ancient & New Practices.


’’WE ARE NATURE 2024’’Environmental Arts Festival

International Program, Collaboration of the Ionion Center for the Arts & Culture and the Geopark of Kefalonia /Ithaca, https://kefaloniageopark.gr/en

Dates 2024: September 1st -30th. International inclusions will be acceptable all the month of September 2024

The Festival is inviting scientists, artists, activists, international educational, research & environmental factors or institutions.

‘’Today, works of art and the creative activities representing them are excellent tools for municipalities and art-carrying cities, aiming to establish themselves on the international map of Cities of Art. The subject ‘’art and public space’’ remains extremely relevant, whether in the form of urban art creations or landscape interventions, creation of spaces for social activity or the corresponding conversion of sites. The process of utilizing art in space concerns not only art experts but constitutes a positive social experience for the inhabitants of the modern cities”. Dr. Haytham Nawar (https://www.aucegypt.edu/fac/haythamnawar) .

‘’Perhaps at no other time in the human’s history has connecting with our environment been more important. Our species is just starting to become aware of the impact of its actions on the planet. Our species survival may be dependent on our future actions’’. Dr. Pierre Liechner (www.leichner.ca).

‘The 2005 UNESCO Convention, a comprehensive compendium of past declarations and conventions, remains a landmark in international cultural policy as, based on human rights and fundamental freedoms, it provides a theoretical and legislative framework for participatory systems of culture-driven governance. Through the Convention, the inseparability of culture and development was officially recognized, so as to define the focus of the creative economy. In its context, it was formed by defining the implementation of policies and measures that support the protection, creation and access to cultural goods and services’‘ Article of the Ionion Center for Arts & Culture (https://ionionartscenter.gr/)

The main goal of the International Environmental Arts Festival ‘’WE ARE NATURE 2024’’ is to strengthen the relationship of the participants and inhabitants of Kefalonia with the natural environment. At the same time, the festival through its activities will provide the information on what we can do to improve our environment at a local and international level, while we will have the opportunity as a society to participate ourselves in the creative process or to enjoy art events.
Another goal is to create an international bridge for the arts and sciences through the participation in the festival. Educational – research institutions and factors interested in environmental issues are welcome. During the events, the opportunity is provided for presentations related to the environment by local agencies, experts and scientists. At the same time, through the international open calls, the opportunity is offered to researchers, activists, educators and artists to share their projects and knowledge. With this festival, Kefalonia becomes an international destination for education, ecology and art.

Environmental art in the context of the festival can take many forms.
Among other, the form of works created with natural materials OR materials collected from the environment, like plastic debris .
Works will be designed to be ecologically beneficial and non-destructive, specifically applied for the respective location. The festival may include:
Sound arts, lighting arts, environmental poetry, visual interventions such as ephemeral or permanent sculpture installations, painting exhibitions, environmental poster exhibitions, etc.
The Environmental Art Festival will provide live art experiences in the everyday life of the island and through the projects and events will advocate for a healthy and sustainable environment.
There are examples of environmental festivals and parks dedicated to environmental arts. This proposal is inspired by Dr. Pierre Liechner, who has organized similar events in many places around the world. In the case of Kefalonia it will be unique because:
It will bring the local scientific and artistic community in contact with the international field of arts and environmental protection factors through a variety of events, which will highlight the island and its environmental wealth.

Included and invited are
1. Arts from all fields, in which special emphasis will be placed
a. in the protection of the environment natural, residential and social through arts, education, creation.
b. on the utilization of natural monuments (as was done, for example, with the work of Dr. Anthony Lyons, 2023 with the utilization of the ZERVATI cave).

2. Presentation of local products and presentation of local gastronomy

3. Presentation of culture (dance, music, films, theater events)

4. Meeting (international conference) on environmental protection and the arts.

Activity record – International Participations of the 1st Festival, year 2023


– August 2 -9, 2023, Jillian Cremens “PLASTIC REFRACTIONS OF THE IONIAN SEA” installation exhibition at the Ionian Center for Arts & Culture.

– August 6th 2023, Prf. Craig Dongoski, Kostas Frantzis, Emily Williams
‘’Children of the Algorithm’’

– August 10th 2023, Prf. Professor Craig Dongoski, Exhibition

– August 13th 2023 , Dr. Pierre Liechner , workshop ‘’EARTH WORMS ‘’

– August 19 -20-21 2023, lighting of buildings in Lixouri & Farsa.
– August 23, 2023, Dr. Pierre Liechner ”Every Venus Tells a Story” Exhibition of figurines at the Korgialenios Library.
– August 24-25, 2023, Dr. Pierre Liechner, “Root sculptures” installations in the grove of Koutavos.
– August 28 to September 6, 2023 ”Every Venus Tells a Story” Figurine Exhibition at Kefalonia Geopark (http://leichner.ca/Installations/Venus/venus.html, http://leichner.ca/Installations/everyvenus/everyvenus .html).
– August 29, 2023. Ephemeral eco-art installations by the local community in Koutavos Park (https://leichner.ca/Curating/VictoriaPark/VictoriaPark.html, http://leichner.ca/Curating/Ephemeral/ephemeral.html, http: //leichner.ca/Curating/Contour/contour.html).
– August 22-23, 2023, Blueprint Workshop led by Ioustini Drakoulakou.


Visual exhibitions (on the subject of the environment)

a. Jillian Cremens, PLASTIC REFRACTIONS OF THE IONIAN SEA” installation exhibition

b. Dr. Pierre Liechner , Exhibitions & Workshops with local and international artists

c. Tsu Ouyang, Έκθεση ‘’Metaphysical Way Functions’’


d. Dr. Yana Chebotova, Έκθεση έργων και εργαστήρια.

Sound & Multimedia Arts

a. Georgia State University, USA, Professor Craig Dongoski

b. Dr. Anthony Lyons, Melbourne University, Australia

c. Alberta University, Canada, Dr. Kurtis Lesick.

d. Being Sound Technology (Mary Keena Frisbee, Gueorgui Borov, Giulia Gallina, Hugo Santos, Iana Misuina , Matt Lindsay , Lua Brice , Fateme Banishoeib).

Lighting Arts (Nick Azidis –Rose Staff)

– August 19 2023 Lighting buildings in Palliki
– August 20 2023 Lighting Building at Farsa


● Video Arts : Pam Longobardi, film: ‘’Kefalonia Plastic Free Island ‘’
Susan Knippenberg, video ‘’Antisamos’’


● Workshops and art exhibitions in collaboration with the local community, giving the opportunity to local and international artists and public to participate by creating and exhibiting new works.
– August 23, 2023, Dr.Pierre Liechner(www.leichner.ca) ”Every Venus Tells a Story” Exhibition of figurines at the Korgialenios Library.
– August 28 to September 6, 2023 ”Every Venus Tells a Story” the Figurine Exhibition will be installed in the Kefalonia Geopark (http://leichner.ca/Installations/Venus/venus.html, http://leichner.ca/Installations/ every Venus/everyvenus.html

● Workshop, exhibition and demonstrations of “Bioart” for the public by Dr. Pierre Liechner, in Argostoli (Koutavos Park ) and Lixouri. Presenting a series of art paintings created with earthworms.

● August 22-23, 2023, Blueprint workshop, under the supervision of Ioustini Drakoulakou, offered by Ioustini Drakoulakou & Ionion Arts & Culture to the local community.

● August 24-25, 2023, Pierre Liechner, “Root sculptures” installations in the park of Koutavos, with a parallel presentation to the public of the value of the environment. The dried roots can later be preserved and become part of another indoor art installation in another space.


● August 29, 2023. Ephemeral ecological art installations with natural materials. Creations by the local community along the paths in the Koutavos Park.
(https://leichner.ca/Curating/VictoriaPark/VictoriaPark.html, http://leichner.ca/Curating/Ephemeral/ephemeral.html, http://leichner.ca/Curating/Contour/contour.html)






1st International Conference  Stray Paws Awareness  Care (SPAC)  2017

1st International Conference ”Stray Paws Awareness Care” (SPAC) 2017