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I-Node Planetary Collegium /NEXT NATURE / juried poster exhibition -Claudia Jacques

1f05f2_9d82a4c2759e44d4a249998dbb28a591.png_srz_p_532_376_75_22_0.50_1.20_0The Homo Conscious (2015)

Carson Grubaugh’s “Hermeneutics” sets the ground for
Earth’s new human specie: “The Homo Conscious”.
Through the interpolation of bit depth spaces with a representation of a live human mind, “The Homo Conscious” is an interpretation of space and time, bits and atoms, actual and virtual, in the search for consciousness: Cybersemiotic Experience.
“The Homo Conscious” is the visual interpretation of the
“Homo Conscious Manifesto”:
1. The Homo Conscious exists beyond space and time,
2. Exchanges past and future,
3· Ceases the linearity of the now.
4· Is the micro essence of the most elementary particle,
5· As well as the macro whole of all there is.
6. Exists in a state of mutant entanglement.
1· Emerges from chaos.
8. Reflects complex adaptive open systems,
9· Information, Perception and Process syncretism.
10. Dynamic unembodied body of meaning: Cybersemiotic Experience!


I-Node Planetary Collegium /NEXT NATURE / juried poster exhibition – Jane Grant

1f05f2_9b8c98d8bda6407dbe6d6074f4f6040a.jpg_srz_p_440_586_75_22_0.50_1.20_0Jane Grant
Associate Professor (Reader) in Digital Arts at Plymouth University, UK.

The Queen’s Bed (2015)

The Indian King, Vyasa was in the forest hunting. Exhausted, he fell asleep and dreaming of his wife,produced a ‘joyful explosion of sperm’1. This nocturnal emission was taken by a giant eagle who dropped
the fluid, dispersing it into a river or the sky (depending on who you listen to) creating the beginning of life in the universe.
Panspermia, a Greek word meaning ‘seeds everywhere’, is a hypothesis that believes that the spores of life are ubiquitous, not the sole properties of planets or stars, and that in the vast spaces between these intensities of mass, the Universe has the potential for life. These latent nanoscopic fragments have existed from the very beginning of time and can transmute depending upon where they propagate. One panspermist hypothesis states that microorganisms can travel through space within comets and meteors
when bacteria are ejected when the meteor burns in the Earth’s outer atmosphere. Microorgansims filter down toward the Earth’s crust spawning life. And we may like to think of the Earth waiting, like a gigantic egg in space, the humid atmosphere, a series of layers for the seeds to negotiate in order to
pierce the physical shell.

The Queen’s Bed
The bed is a soft, receptive and moist natural system, taken from an area in the North West of England where scientists have recently found alien bacteria 16 miles above the surface of the Earth in the atmosphere. Her bed is currently being monitored for the existence of alien life. The Queen spends her
time waiting for the giant eagle, who may once have flown over but so many years ago that she cannot remember exactly when. Whilst waiting, she dreams of codes and sequences, molecules and proteins, a synthesis, and all the boundless possibilities for the creation of life.


I-Node Planetary Collegium /NEXT NATURE / juried poster exhibition – Mike Phillips

Mike Phillips: Professor of Interdisciplinary Arts at Plymouth University, the Director of Research at i-DAT.,Principal Supervisor for the Planetary Collegium.


Adam – [Omphalos 2.0]
Adam is a teddy bear constructed from lint harvested from the artists’ navel. Over a period of weeks small quantities of Adam’s body were collected and composited to constitute his cuddly form. Born from a combination of H&M black T-Shirt fibres and the artists DNA (epithelial tissue and bodily flotsam and jetsam), Adam waits patiently for the breath of life. For all his fluffy attributes Adam represents a philosophical and ecclesiastical conundrum – does Adam have a navel? Born of belly button Adam, like his biblical namesake, had no umbilical cord. Adams’ genetic makeup is, probably, around 20% human and his morphology certainly (bearly) humanesque, if miniscule in proportion. Neither natural (a genetic abomination) nor artificial (organic cotton), this hybrid offspring chronologically inverts the Omphalos hypothesis. The past is not the divine fraudulence, it is our umbilicus-less future nature (neither innie nor outie, but withoutie) that is the fabrication.


I-Node Planetary Collegium /NEXT NATURE / juried poster exhibition – Roy Ascott


“This means, of course, not an inert, passive or genetically programmed participation but a conscious involvement in the evolution of those forms and  emergent behaviours which we identify with life and which, as our powers of intelligent collaboration and participation increase, will come to constitute the new nature”         Roy Ascott.



Exhibition  of drawings and paintings inspired from the island Kefalonia

Lecture – presentation-  open dialogue entitled

//The Grecian Myth at the XX and XXI Century Art//


Saturday  October 18,  2014, 19.00- 22.00pm.


Born in Poland, 1982. Graduated from the College of Fine and Visual Art in Warsaw and from the Institute of Art History at the University of Warsaw. Completed Continuing Studies Programme at the Heatherley School of Fine Art in London.

As an art historian she works for the National Museum in Warsaw.

As an artist she had a several individual exhibitions (including the Bankside Gallery in London) and group shows (including TRAFO, Center for Contemporary Art in Szczecin, Poland). Her works are at the privet collections in England, Spain, Switzerland and Poland.


At the Cephalonia island into the frame of the International Program of the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture she’s working on the series of drawings and paintings named <<arche >>(as a part of the Places project). This art is based mostly on her fascination by Ancient Greek Philosophy.
