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I-Node- Planetary Collegium /NEXT NATURE / juried poster exhibition/Carole Vienna Forrester

Carole Vienna Forrester
Heraldic artist

Evolution of a Landscape, Peratata, Kefalonia.
38.1367° N, 20.5567° E (2015)

Using the colour information, time/date stamp from my digital photograph taken at Peratata and the location’s coordinates as base integers, this poster seeks to explore my emotional response to the landscape as recalled by memory.
A vista seen again through closed eyes, somewhat like a retinal afterimage.
Personal emotions; vertigo, the structures falling away, the landscape itselffalling into the Ionian sea. St George’s Castle’s stormy past, connected by asuccession of different rulers.
Through the intense colours of an oppressively hot day, the lure of the
refreshing sea trickles through the mind and half-glimpses of sunlit bays androcky coves pervade the landscape, almost as mirages.


I-Node Planetary Collegium /NEXT NATURE / juried poster exhibition/Adam Zaretsky

Dr. Adam Zaretsky
ARA (Advanced Research Associate) at the Planetary Collegium, The I-Node, School of Art & Media, University of Plymouth

Oocyte Aesthetic, Human Design and Mission Creep (2015)

What are the cultural aesthetics of our ecological future? The decision to
design babies along a plurality of aesthetic lineages may have an impact on
the future of ecology and diversity of our planet. As competitively designed
meat puppets take up more and more of the terrestrial grazing land, we have
come to understand that we live on a planet dominated by humans and their
quest for acquiescence. Designed and cloned transgenic humans are limited
editions but they can reproduce and stabilize independently. Bred by industry,
transgen[ic].people may be foreign species brought forth from technological
sites but are they capable of initiating enough gene expression pattern
dissonance for us to want to live with them for generations to come.
Sometimes real-time congenital health cures are not enough. There is an
economy of aesthetics, which will drive the ecological affect of our engineered

Oocyte Aesthetic, Human Design and Mission Creep


I-Node Planetary Collegium /NEXT NATURE / juried poster exhibition/Melnykova Ulyana

Melnykova Ulyana
PhD researcher Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts
Associate Professor at the Department of Design of the H. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

Find Yourself (2015)

The poster reveals the theme of the interaction between man and nature. Graphic work trying to recreate the logical structure of nature, its development and transformation. The man is a kind of puzzle, part of the integral structure. For the artist ‘s own creative growth coexists with nature, he is exploring it, trying to unravel as by intuition, and with the assistance of new technologies.


I-Node Planetary Collegium /NEXT NATURE / juried poster exhibition/Mariana Ziku

Mariana Ziku
MA in Art Theory/ Curating. University of Ioannina, Greece.

Meta-Dynamics in Aesthetics: Operating Realities (2015)

The poster reflects on the inception of realities, their modes of existence and relationships from an aesthetics and systems theory point of view.
The layout is divided in three sections which discuss concepts of initiating and perceiving realities:
– in a broader cultural context starting with generative inquiries from 19th c.
– in the aesthetics discourse and
– in a flowchart which visualizes these processes.
What is the threshold of a reality coming into being? And when it comes and relegates to the past, how can we reset it to the present again? The poster is an induction into concepts fostered by our mental faculties in order to achieve
the ‘ultimate attainment’ in an analogy with the three VR’s: operating events, coroporeality and integral proximity.
The research directs to nodes where processes of world making have been critically perceived and contemplated. With the axiom inspired by Wittgenstein and Paul Ricoeur ‘Narrative is a distinct language-game which is part of an operation or a form of life’, cyberspace is added in the discourse as a proto-experimentation ground and access point on agencies, forms and
systems that may constitute the new nature.


I-Node Planetary Collegium /NEXT NATURE / juried poster exhibition/Regina Durig

Regina Durig
PhD candidate at the Planetary Collegium,T-Node, School of Art & Media, University of Plymouth
Swiss Literature Institute, Berne University of the Arts

Next Nature Next Love (2015)

The writing piece Next Nature Next Love consists of 16 pages from Roland Barthe’s Lover’s Discourse. They are almost completely blackened, only a handful of words is left: one haïku per page. The use of Barthe’s emblematic text as material for new metaphoras for love reflects the current state of my research about love as a concept in Western writing and thinking. What does love explain? Is love always a reference? Is writing about love always constrained? Is it impossible to talk about love? Can love only be realized in fiction? Can love be seen as a heterotopia – existing neither here nor there – between the lines?


I-Node Planetary Collegium /NEXT NATURE / juried poster exhibition/Lila Moore

Dr. Lila Moore
ARA (Advanced Research Associate) at the Planetary Collegium,
The I-Node, School of Art & Media, University of Plymouth

Fields of Origin (2015)

Novel forms and ideas arise unexpectedly from unknown or previously unsuspected origin. Being new and full of mysterious possibilities, they could impact consciousness, nature and culture, similar to viral memes and bacteria. Their revolutionary traits may periodically pose a threat to the dominant order, hence, they get tracked down and uprooted to stop them from spreading. Yet, their point of origin, embedded in morphic fields, retains their memory and formula. Hidden within the recesses of space-time, they await for as long as it may take for a morphic resonance, a signal that will herald their next manifestation in nature.
The Wandering Jew poses a threat to civilisation with his anarchic disregard of boundaries. Although elevated to the status of a world reformer and artistic nobility in Gostav Courbet’s Meeting and other works, the transformed outsider was publicly ridiculed. Prevalent in European folklore, the archetype has been associated with supernatural creatures that dwell in the twilight zone between reality and magic, the visible and invisible, the mortal and immortal. The golden plover, shown in the poster, according to a Lancashire tradition, embodies the Wandering Jew with its eerie whistling that strikes fear in the human heart. Resembling migrating birds, he was doomed to wander endlessly. The unnaturalness of his wanderings corresponded with all other abnormal births and entities which betrayed their master-maker and manipulated their initial design. Nowadays wandering has taken a different route. It has been reformed by the wandering quality of the Internet. Through virtual, vegetal and noetic technologies, wandering is spreading to the unregulated field of consciousness where the alien, mystic and visionary transmute with nature.
The golden plover inspired the concept of The Guinness Book of Records as the faster game bird in Europe. It became associated with extraordinary achievements that exceed conventional capacities. The bird as a metaphor of unlimited abilities and flights of the imagination corresponds, in this visual depiction, with Hypnos’ wings of the mind. The divine generator of altered state of consciousness is syncretically positioned by a reference to a monolith (2001: Space Odyssey).
The woman’s selves offer the elixir of the soul in a ritual that activates odysseys in fields of photons, memory, and impulse. The jars are ancient but the liquid inside them evolves the structures of realities as the screens that bind them disintegrate. Free to flow everywhere, the cybernetic monoliths of evolution beckon in the field to the wanderers.
