Category Archives: Education

I-Node Planetary Collegium /NEXT NATURE / juried poster exhibition – Jane Grant

1f05f2_9b8c98d8bda6407dbe6d6074f4f6040a.jpg_srz_p_440_586_75_22_0.50_1.20_0Jane Grant
Associate Professor (Reader) in Digital Arts at Plymouth University, UK.

The Queen’s Bed (2015)

The Indian King, Vyasa was in the forest hunting. Exhausted, he fell asleep and dreaming of his wife,produced a ‘joyful explosion of sperm’1. This nocturnal emission was taken by a giant eagle who dropped
the fluid, dispersing it into a river or the sky (depending on who you listen to) creating the beginning of life in the universe.
Panspermia, a Greek word meaning ‘seeds everywhere’, is a hypothesis that believes that the spores of life are ubiquitous, not the sole properties of planets or stars, and that in the vast spaces between these intensities of mass, the Universe has the potential for life. These latent nanoscopic fragments have existed from the very beginning of time and can transmute depending upon where they propagate. One panspermist hypothesis states that microorganisms can travel through space within comets and meteors
when bacteria are ejected when the meteor burns in the Earth’s outer atmosphere. Microorgansims filter down toward the Earth’s crust spawning life. And we may like to think of the Earth waiting, like a gigantic egg in space, the humid atmosphere, a series of layers for the seeds to negotiate in order to
pierce the physical shell.

The Queen’s Bed
The bed is a soft, receptive and moist natural system, taken from an area in the North West of England where scientists have recently found alien bacteria 16 miles above the surface of the Earth in the atmosphere. Her bed is currently being monitored for the existence of alien life. The Queen spends her
time waiting for the giant eagle, who may once have flown over but so many years ago that she cannot remember exactly when. Whilst waiting, she dreams of codes and sequences, molecules and proteins, a synthesis, and all the boundless possibilities for the creation of life.


I-Node Planetary Collegium /NEXT NATURE / juried poster exhibition – Mike Phillips

Mike Phillips: Professor of Interdisciplinary Arts at Plymouth University, the Director of Research at i-DAT.,Principal Supervisor for the Planetary Collegium.


Adam – [Omphalos 2.0]
Adam is a teddy bear constructed from lint harvested from the artists’ navel. Over a period of weeks small quantities of Adam’s body were collected and composited to constitute his cuddly form. Born from a combination of H&M black T-Shirt fibres and the artists DNA (epithelial tissue and bodily flotsam and jetsam), Adam waits patiently for the breath of life. For all his fluffy attributes Adam represents a philosophical and ecclesiastical conundrum – does Adam have a navel? Born of belly button Adam, like his biblical namesake, had no umbilical cord. Adams’ genetic makeup is, probably, around 20% human and his morphology certainly (bearly) humanesque, if miniscule in proportion. Neither natural (a genetic abomination) nor artificial (organic cotton), this hybrid offspring chronologically inverts the Omphalos hypothesis. The past is not the divine fraudulence, it is our umbilicus-less future nature (neither innie nor outie, but withoutie) that is the fabrication.










Organiser: The I-Node of the Planetary Collegium


  • Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture (April 2015)
  • Art Athina, Athens International Art Fair (June 2015)

Submission deadline: Monday, March 2, 2015

Eligibility : high-quality research posters with the syncretic approach in Art, Science and Technology.

Exhibition Dates:

  • 23 April – 8 May 2015
  • 4-7 June 2015

Poster Chair:

Katerina Karoussos, Director of the I-Node, Planetary Collegium

Selection Committee:

Roy Ascott, President of the Planetary Collegium, Planetary Collegium

 Elif Ayiter, Director of Studies of the I-Node, Planetary Collegium

 Francesco Monico, Director of Studies of T-Node, Planetary Collegium


Jane Grant,      Pier Luigi Capucci,     Khaled  Hafez,    Law Alsobrook,     Alejandro Quinteros,   Juliette Yuan,     Diane  Derr,     Benjamin Pothier,      Paola  Lopreiato,    Mike Phillips

Giorgos Papakonstantinou,       Seth Riskin,     Mujin Bao,      Andrea Traldi

Alex Barchiesi,       Adam Zaretski,      Lila Moore,      Regina Durig


The final list of accepted posters for Next Nature includes two categories of posters:

Accepted posters, which their authors are members of the Planetary Collegium (PC1 – PC2) and

Open Call posters which will be selected from the submissions received in response to the open Call for Posters.

A selection of 30 entries from the open call posters together with the accepted posters will be exhibited  at the Ionion Center of Arts and Culture on the island of Kefalonia, Greece (ICAC) in April 2015.

During the exhibition, 25 posters from all the categories  will be selected to be exhibited at the Athens International Art Fair (Art-Athina) on July 2015.

We are soliciting high-quality research posters with the syncretic approach in Art, Science and Technology. Posters must include original work that is unpublished or published after August 1, 2014. Posters are intended to convey a syncretic approach to “Next Nature” theme.



In 1863 Jules-Antoine Castagnary announced that: The naturalist school declares that art is the expression of life under all phases and on all levels, and that its sole aim is to reproduce nature by carrying it to its maximum power and intensity: it is truth balanced with science 1. One of the most illustrated examples of naturalism is “The meeting”, an 1854 painting by Gustave Courbet, which has been interpreted as depicting Courbet greeted by his patron Bryas, his servant Calas and his dog, while travelling to Montpellier. The Meeting was exhibited in Paris at the 1855 Exhibition Universelle, where critics ridiculed it as “Bonjour, Monsieur Courbet”. The composition is based on Doré’s “The Wandering Jew2. Courbet, one of the major representatives of naturalism, has represented himself in the image of a wanderer, without a definite context, as one would expect of expect of a naturalistic painter. Did Courbet interpret Castagnary’s words ‘carrying it [nature] to its maximum power and intensity’ as a process of metaphor, fluidity, multiplicity and metamorphosis?


Nowadays, and after 160 years of Courbet’s naturalistic metamorphoses, we assume that we have embedded the ‘truth balanced with science’, as art work is based on transidisciplinary research through a variety of syncretic approach. In an era when, according to Roy Ascott, the ‘three VRs –virtual, validated and vegetal ‘merge into a continuous flow of ‘variable reality’, it is the right moment for a future anterior step which will lead to the awareness of the Next Nature.


And, as Ascott argues: “This means, of course, not an inert, passive or genetically programmed participation but a conscious involvement in the evolution of those forms and  emergent behaviours which we identify with life and which, as our powers of intelligent collaboration and participation increase, will come to constitute the new nature”3.


Katerina Karoussos


  1. Needham, Gerald, “Naturalism.” Grove Art Online. Oxford Art Online. Oxford University Press


  1. Linda Nochlin, Gustave Courbet’s Meeting: A Portrait of the Artist as a Wandering Jew Art Bulletin vol 49 No 3 (September 1967)


  1. Ascott, Roy, “Back to Nature II- Art and Technology in the 21st century” 1st publication, 1993. Fedrowitz, eds. Kultur und Technik im 21.Jahrhundert. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, pp. 341-355. Culture and Technology in the 21st. Century Wissenschaftszentrum Nordrhein-Westfalen. 2nd publication 2013, More & Vita-More, The Transhumanist Reader. NY Wiley. Pp 438-448.




 The I-Node of the Planetary Collegium invites transdisciplinary artists /researchers to apply for the upcoming poster exhibition addressing the theme of “Next Nature”.


The final list of accepted posters for Next Nature includes two categories of posters: accepted posters, which their authors are members of the Planetary Collegium (PC),

and open call posters which will be selected from the submissions received in response to the open Call for Posters.

  • A selection of 30 entries from the open call posters will be exhibited as part of the Planetary Collegium poster exhibition “Next Nature’’ which will be held at the Ionion Center of Arts and Culture on the island of Kefalonia, Greece (ICAC) in April 2015.
  • During the exhibition, 25 posters from all the categories will be selected to be exhibited at the Athens International Art Fair (Art-Athina) on July 2015.


We are soliciting high-quality research posters with the syncretic approach in Art, Science and Technology. Posters must include original work that is unpublished or published after August 1, 2014. Posters are intended to convey a syncretic approach to “Next Nature” theme and should not include advertisements for commercial reasons.

A poster that is judged by the selection committee to be an advertisement will be subject to removal without notice.



The Selection Committee will select two individuals to be awarded with the Juror’s Choice Awards.


  • 1st prize: One grant (€ 800) exclusively for a PhD research at the I-Node of the Planetary Collegium


  • 2nd prize: Free art-in residence (max 30 days, including personal exhibition/performance or presentation) at the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture (travel expenses are not included)


Planetary Collegium members (faculty and researchers) are excluded from the award competition. Works previously displayed in Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture are also ineligible.


  1. Open Call Posters will be required to pay a poster fee of €50 for early poster submissions.
  2. Accepted Posters from PC authors who are currently in their research updates will be eligible to submit a poster without a fee, providing their Plymouth University ID number, as part of their research session.
  3. Accepted Posters from PC authors who are currently in their writing-up stage or have already awarded with the PhD title can submit their posters with a poster fee of €30.
  4. Posters submitted after the deadline, and in any case prior to the Selection Committee meeting, will be considered as Late Poster Submissions and will require a non-refundable

All entry fees are non refundable


  • Submission deadline: Monday, March 2, 2015
  • Notification by email of accepted works: Friday, March 28, 2015
  • Opening Reception: Thursday, April 23, 2015 (8:00 pm)
  • Exhibition dates: April 24 – May 8, 2015

4-7 June, 2015



Application form and a poster daft should be sent to until the deadline.

Download the application form from the web site

Files should be in PDF format, A3 (29,7 × 42 cm) maximum 5 Mb / 200 dpi in CMYK colour mode. Before sending, save the file as <name-surname.pdf>

The subject of the e-mail should be read as <surname-nextculture>.

Selected participants will be asked to submit a new file in size A0.



Incomplete entries will not be considered. A complete entry form consists of the following:

  1. Application form
  2. Draft poster in PDF
  3. Proof of deposit from Pay Pal Online payment service



  • Selected participants are welcome to be present to follow the program /or/ the reception day at the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture (ICAC) . The I-Node of the Planetary Colegium does not cover accommodation or travel expenses. If selected participants wish to participate to the events, ICAC can provide discounts for bookings at a partner hotel and additional support for a vist/ or /residency at the Center during late April/ May / June. (info upon request).
  • Posters will remain in the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture.Participants who will request the delivery of their physical posters –after June 10, 2015- are responsible for the transport costs insurance/safety issues.
  • A selection of posters will be published on the I-Node’s web site, or otherwise the author has to state his/her disagreement in the Application Form.  

For questions or additional information, please contact the Poster Chair, Katerina Karoussos at


Finding your Unique Voice Master Workshop – Choreography/Creative Process/ March 29th-April 4th , 2015 AT the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture /Greek Island Kefalonia.

DSC_0822Finding your Unique Voice

Master Workshop – Choreography/Creative Process/ March 29th-April 4th , 2015 AT the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture /Greek Island Kefalonia.


‘’Finding your Unique Voice’’ is a 6 day intensive Master Workshop

Instructor : Emily Berry

 Venue : The Ionion Center for The Arts and Culture ,   Island Kefalonia, Greece .

Time : ( March 29th April 4th 2015,  Mediterranean Spring ,Greek Easter, when the island is transformed in a mild weather Paradise in full  blossom.

Eligibility :This unique Master Workshop is open to 12-15 participants from transdisciplinary  or dancing/ performing arts background,  that are interested in exploring the creative process and to introduce /communicate /demonstrate a personal or professional project on the explored theme.

The selection will be based on the originality  and innovation of the project.

Award: The best personal  project will be warded by the Ionion Center with the opportunity of a personal presentation / performance  and  residency.

The workshop ‘’Finding your Unique Voice’’ will focus on a process to pull out of the participants their unique movement/ creative  voice as well as discovering their own unique creative process into the new –early Spring environment of the Island .  Participants will share in daily classes of movement, improvisation, discussions, and time to explore and create. The week will culminate in a public sharing of the movement/work that was discovered over the course of the week.  Participants will also have an opportunity to traverse the Island, using its rich landscapes and history as inspiration for creative explorations.  Participants will also engage in creating a site specific performance in relationship to the natural/architectural/cultural environment .

Open call is inviting applications . Dead line for applications : March 25th 2015.

Participation fee is euro 380(tax and registration fee  included), includes full housing accommodation, breakfast  and one local  traditional  hot meal(lunch).

Traveling , insurance, leisure  and local transportation expenses are not included.

The Master Workshop will offer Official Certificate of Participation

For details and the  full program  please contact:

Applications :


Emily Berry, MFA – Department of Health, Physical Education, and Dance

Associate Professor ,  Queensborough  Community College NY


Master of Fine Arts: George Mason University
Bachelor of Dance Arts: University of Michigan School of Music
Bachelor of General Studies in Women’s Studies and Political Science: University of Michigan School of Literature, Science, & Arts




Emily Berry :

 Emily Berry is the Artistic Director of B3W Performance Group, which has performed in the

US, England and Mexico. In New York City, B3W has performed at Henry Street Settlement,

Dance New Amsterdam, Dixon Place, BAAD!, the 92nd Street Y, The Irondale Center as part ofFlicFest, the International Dance Festival NYC, the DUMBO Dance Festival, the Manhattan

Movement Arts Center, and the Cool New York Dance Festival. The company has also

premiered two dance films in Maryland and in Switzerland. B3W received the Mondo Cane

Commission from Dixon Place where we premiered Confined in September 2010 with a threeweek

run. Emily was also commissioned to set a piece on Ann Arbor Dance Works in May of

  1. Spin Art, B3W’s newest evening length work premiered at the Irondale Center January

30th, 2014 with live music by DBR. Spin Art will premiere as a creating public art through

performance piece with paint inside of a cube in Queens in the fall of 2014.

Eva Yaa Asantewaa (Infinite Body) describes Berry’s work as “Memorable, intelligent, strong”.

“Violent but engaging” are the words attached to Berry’s work by Clare Croft in the Washington

Post. Maura Donahue (Culturbot) writes about Confined as, “Clear expression of idea in


Emily has performed with danceTactics Performance Group/Keith Thompson, Boris Willis

Moves, Dakshina/Daniel Phoenix Singh & Company, Restless Native Dance/Tamieca McCloud,

Lesole’s Dance Project, and Ashe Moyubba/Alafia Afro-Cuban Folkloric Dance Ensemble.

Emily is a Certified Movement Analyst. She also has a MFA in dance from George Mason

University. Her Bachelor of Dance Arts was earned from the University of Michigan along with

a Bachelor of General Studies in Women’s Studies and Political Science. She has taught at

Oakland University, George Mason University, Coppin State University, Montgomery College,

and the Community College of Baltimore County. She has also taught master classes for

ACDFA, Goucher College, the College of William and Mary, the University of Michigan, and

numerous dance intensives. She is currently an assistant professor of dance and the director of

the dance program at Queensborough Community College.




Sunday  March 29th

10:00am -11:00 am – Welcome and Introductions

11:00 am-1:00 pm – Movement class

1:00-2:00 pm – Lunch

2:00pm-3:30pm – Improvisation Class

3:30pm-3:45pm – Coffee Break

3:45pm-5:00pm – Creative Process – Discussion and Exploration

5.00pm-12.00 free evening / free exploration of the area / Argostoli by night


Monday March 30th

10:00am-11:45am  – Movement/Improvisation Class

11:45am-12:00noon- Break

12:00noon -1:00pm – Creative Process – Journal writing/Discussion

1:00pm-2:00pm – Lunch

2:00pm-4:00pm – Exploration/Experimentation of Creative Process/Movement Development

4:00pm-4:15pm – Coffee Break

4:15pm-5:00pm – Sharing of Explorations

5.00pm-12.00 free evening / free exploration of the area





Tuesday  March 31th

Excursion to Explore the Island

Journal Writing of Inspiration – Site Specific ideas for improvisations/performances/or inspiration for creative process/movement



Wednesday  April 1st

10:00am -11:15 am – Movement/Improvisation Class

11:15am-12:15pm – Discussion/sharing of discoveries from Excursion

12:15pm-1:00pm – Planning of 2nd excursion – creating a collective response through movement

1:00pm-2:00pm – Lunch

2:00pm-4:00pm – Time to Explore Creative process/Movement

4:00-4:15 – Coffee  Break

4:15pm-5:00 pm– Sharing of explorations – final planning of 2nd excursion – creating a collective response through movement

5.00pm-12.00 free evening /free exploration of the area


Thursday April 2nt

10:00am -1:00pm – 2nd Excursion – Performing Site Specific Work

1:00pm-2:00pm – Lunch

2:00pm-5:00pm – Exploring a new creative process – Developing an Idea

5.00pm-12.00 free evening / free exploration of the area


Friday April 3 th

10:00am-11:15am – Movement/Improvisation Class

11:15am-1:00 pm– Developing an Idea/Concept

1:00pm-2:00pm – Lunch

2:00pm-4:00pm – Finalizing what to show

4:00pm-6:00pm – Coffee Break

6:00pm-7:00pm  warm – up

7:00pm  – Public event / Showing of explorations from the week


Saturday April 4th


Evaluation process – awarding the best participation

Certificates of participation

Good buy cocktail



Exhibition  of drawings and paintings inspired from the island Kefalonia

Lecture – presentation-  open dialogue entitled

//The Grecian Myth at the XX and XXI Century Art//


Saturday  October 18,  2014, 19.00- 22.00pm.


Born in Poland, 1982. Graduated from the College of Fine and Visual Art in Warsaw and from the Institute of Art History at the University of Warsaw. Completed Continuing Studies Programme at the Heatherley School of Fine Art in London.

As an art historian she works for the National Museum in Warsaw.

As an artist she had a several individual exhibitions (including the Bankside Gallery in London) and group shows (including TRAFO, Center for Contemporary Art in Szczecin, Poland). Her works are at the privet collections in England, Spain, Switzerland and Poland.


At the Cephalonia island into the frame of the International Program of the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture she’s working on the series of drawings and paintings named <<arche >>(as a part of the Places project). This art is based mostly on her fascination by Ancient Greek Philosophy.


VIENNA FORRESTER: Fragmented Myths and Memories

                                                    Fragmented Myths and Memories

                                  A Fractal Exploration of Kefalonia


Lincolnshire artist Vienna Forrester will be exhibiting her digital fractal art at the Ionion Center for Arts and Culture from the 16th to the 30th September 2014.  The official opening of the exhibition will be on the 20th September , 20.00 pm

Vienna ‘s work has been described as ‘stunning’, ‘vivid and attention grabbing’ and ‘beautiful, mysterious and metamorphic’.  Her unusual approach to image making results in vigorous, explosive colour formations.  Using latitude, longitude and the time/date stamp from her digital photographs as integers, she produces fractals which are further manipulated to represent aspects of place.  The resultant art has an ethereal, luminescent quality which is ideally suited to being displayed using the latest electroluminescent technology.  What evolves is a fusion of two distinctly differing fields – the absolute rules of the fractal algorithm and the imagination of the artist.

The Title IO refers to the Priestess Io of Greek mythology -The Ionian Sea is said to be named after her.  The IO logo represents the universal symbol used on electrical devices for power on/off – being the binary digits 1 and 0.

The theme of the exhibition is based around the seismic nature of Kefalonia and the stone and rocks that were displaced, built, ruined and rebuilt over generations.  From tiny pebbles on a beach to the mighty Mount Ainos; Roman villas decorated with mosaics, to stone quarried and used for houses, many of which still lie abandoned after the devastating earthquake of 1953.

“My interest in and observation of patterns in the natural world led to my work with fractals, and the evolution of technology based art using PC’s, Tablets and digital cameras opened up a wealth of ideas.


My exhibition, funded by Arts Council England, the National Lottery and North Lincolnshire Council, seeks to celebrate the enduring nature and beauty of this ‘Stone Kingdom’ that is the beautiful island of Kefalonia.

I am thrilled to be given this opportunity to exhibit my work at the Ionion Center for Arts and Culture”.


Vienna Forrester
